Page 117 - Mousumi
P. 117


                     find  no  solution  or  they  do  not        emotions         are       pleasant:
                     want to live anymore because they            transitioning from low to cheerful
                     are  hopeless  and  helpless.  Even          ones because those kinds of songs
                     sometimes  when  I  get  my                  gradually evoke a good mood.
                     examination  papers  and  get                      In  addition,  when  I  really
                     scolded  by  my  parents,  I  would          don’t  want  to  think  about
                     have such thoughts too, because I            something. I take a nap for a few
                     think that my future has no hope             hours. I would lie on my bed and
                     in store for me at all. But I always         go  over  what  I  have  done  the
                     advise  myself  to  be  courageous           whole  day.  If  I  have  any  trouble
                     and  persevere  because  life  is  just      remaining  unsolved,  I  ask  myself
                     short  and  we  cannot  blindly              and  ponder  over  my  problems  as
                     indulge in the  frustration in front         fast  as  possible.  Or  I  will  go
                     of us. On the contrary, we should            straight to a nap just to take it like
                     work  harder  and  believe  that             nothing has happened. The reason
                     nothing  is  impossible  when  we            is that naptime can help reduce the
                     push ourselves to our limits.                effects  of  depression.  “Many

                                                                  things  that  we  deem  granted  are
                              When  I  am  in  an
                     unpleasant mood, I listen to songs           suffering  from  sleep”,  says  Dr
                     that  have  a  unique  link  to  my          Raymonde. If we sleep better, we
                     emotions.  Doing  so  can  be                can certainly live better. Also, if we
                                                                  are  tired,  we  are  less  patient  and
                     extremely  effective.  Normally,  I
                                                                  easily  agitated  which  can  increase
                     would  like  to  listen  to  jazz  music
                     on YouTube because jazz music is             stress,  this  will  make  our  state  of
                     rhythmically  smooth. It  calms my           mind become worse. When  I just
                     mind. I would lie on the sofa and            awake       from       my       nap,
                     let my eyes take a rest and let the          notwithstanding I feel comfortable
                                                                  and  spiritual,  yet  I  have  to  face
                     music  feed  me  with  good  vibes.
                     Ostensibly,  listening  to  music  can       reality  again.  Then  again,  some
                     have  a  tremendously  relaxing              people  with  high  pressure  find  it
                     effect  on  our  minds  and  bodies,         hard  to  sleep,  they  even  lead  to
                     especially  slow,  quiet  classical          sleep disorder. So I prefer to settle
                                                                  down my problems before heading
                     music.  Why  do  you  think  some
                     people  like to sing when they  are          to bed.
                     alone and in fear? In my view, they                 After  my  emotions  get
                     want  to  distract  themselves  from         slightly eased, it enables me to take
                     fear by singing and to concentrate           more positive measures to change
                     on the lyrics so that their fear goes        the  current  state  of  unwillingness
                     off.  Listening  to  fast-paced  rock        to  accomplish  anything.  What  I
                     when  I  am  angry  makes  my                have also learned is that reflection
                     emotions  rise,  but  not  for  a  long      plays a significant role in decision-
                     period. Then I would switch to the           making. We can think about it: Is
                     music I like to listen to when my            this unexpected thing inevitable or

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