Page 119 - Mousumi
P. 119
How To Create The Finest World
By Tuhin Rebek
marvelous speech highlighting what
he wished to see in the future. What
he dreamed of was what the whole
world wanted, and his desire was
rational. In other words, we can say
that all he wanted was peace. Another
great example is the dream of Dr.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, also known as
We set our sights towards bringing in India Vision 2020. Dr. Abdul Kalam
a revolution, a radical change that will conveyed his dream of India's
overthrow the social evils, racial advancement as a perfect country
profiling, illiteracy, poverty, gender with a lot of variations and
discrimination, and many more affairs enhancements. A great insight, one
we deal with at present. Take a quick can say. The sour truth is that as of
glance at our contemporary state. Was now, 2020 hasn't been much of a
this our vision of 2020? Repeatedly, revolutionary year, though one can
we stressed the fact that 2020 would debate on the many precautions we
be a golden year. Not only did we have discovered.
insist on 2020, but we thought the
Understanding the current situation,
same thing nearly every year. Sure,
we can tell a lot of advantages too.
letting the past slip, think about the
However, these benefits are not doing
steps we took to achieve our goal.
adequate good for us. At this precise
What were the measures? Some
moment, the global problem we are
countries brought in many schemes to
facing is the coronavirus or COVID-
overcome the mishaps, while the rest
19. This virus is deadly and easily
examined different approaches.
transmissible, which has led to the
Maybe to some extent, things have
lockdown in most countries. The
improved, but not entirely. For a very
isolated roads and public places are
long time, we have analyzed the pros
now filled with pure air, and the level
and cons of our environment. For
of pollution has drastically reduced. In
instance, Martin Luther King Jr gave a
one way, the environment has