Page 116 - Mousumi
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                                                                  experience  is  very  common,  but
                     Personally, when I  am  faced with           occasionally  it  is  plausible.  If  this
                     situations  that  require  immediate         situation  occurs  often,  it  may
                     action, I prioritize them according          affect  our  health  and  increase
                     to urgency, and then think of ways           weight.  This  is  indeed  a  good
                     on how to deal with them one-by-             method, but a reasonable diet can
                     one  to  keep  grace  under pressure         be  more  effective.  Someone  told
                     and to make myself work on each              me  that  consuming  some  food
                     task  efficiently.  Despite  any             based on flour, potatoes, and corn
                     setback  I  go  against,  I  ought  to       will  easily  distract  me,  too.  I  find
                     confront  it  bravely  and  find  all        this  concept  quite  reasonable  and
                     means to give solution at all costs.         logical because  the  time  I  take  to
                     Moreover, a person achieves inner            finish  chewing  is  longer  and  thus
                     peace  not  by  overthinking  but  by        one  will  not  easily  indulge  in
                     thinking  of  ways  on  how  to  get         flights of fancy.
                     through  it.  Sometimes,  I  would                 Besides,  in  the  same  way,
                     reach  out  to  my  friends  to  share
                                                                  happiness,  sorrow,  and  joy  are
                     about my recent events in my life
                                                                  common       sensations    of    the
                     and I even tell them my challenges           physique.  We  cry  when  we  feel
                     as  well.  I  am  grateful  for  their       sad.  We  feel  happy  when  we  are
                     openness to listen to me. Because            happy.  This  idea  is  dependent  on
                     of    them,     I     receive    an
                                                                  the  emotion  one  expresses.  Did
                     overwhelming mutual support and
                                                                  you know that if we are too sad, it
                     encouragement  to  make  me                  will  be  harmful  for  the  health  of
                     cultivate  more  positive  energy  to        the  body  especially  when  we
                     keep going. In the same way that if          contain  our  tears.  Taking  away
                     a  personal  problem  persists,  I           harmful  substances  in  the  body
                     would  ask  suggestions  from  my
                                                                  can  also  relieve  sadness  and
                     elders  as  they  experienced  more          tension.  If  we  cry  bitterly  and
                     than  I  did,  so  that  they  can           continually,  we  would  begin
                     provide me deep insights on how              feeling  irregular  manifestations  in
                     to  effectively  get  through  my            the body. Thus, proper venting is
                                                                  necessary  to  let  go  of  depression
                             Furthermore,  when  I  am            as  soon  as  possible,  but  you
                     emotional  and  nervous,  I  would           should  pay  attention  to  the
                     find  something  to  eat,  especially        occasion and method of venting to
                     the  delicious  ones  and  some              avoid hurting others.
                     frozen desserts. Not only do these                  On  the  flip  side,  some
                     foods promote a relaxing effect on
                                                                  people     would    have     suicidal
                     the  brain,  but  also  they  ease  and      thoughts  or  tendencies  such  as  a
                     divert  my  attention  from  what  I         preoccupied  death  or  actual
                     am  presently  working  on.  This            attempts  of  suicide,  either  they
                     kind    of     emotional     eating

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