Page 115 - Mousumi
P. 115


                                            How I Cope With


                                                    By Ng Tiam Poh

                                                                 lonely and you would start recalling
                                                                 the past few days if you have faced
                                                                 too much pressure, either a recent
                                                                 encounter or something which took
                                                                 place a long time back.

                                                                 Allow me to pose a question before
                                                                 you: Have you ever encountered
                                                                 something unsatisfactory? Have you
                                                                 ever had troubles left unresolved?
                                                                 There is a scientific concept that it is
                                                                 inevitable to be worried as there are

                                                                 more solutions than we think. When
                    The path of life is not all smooth, and      it has taken you some time to figure
                    it is impossible for people to live a        out how to get it right, you would

                    smooth life forever. Whether one             begin feeling a little depressed, and it
                    likes it or not, we will encounter the       will worsen depending on how to
                    feeling of depression unpredictably          think about the matter.
                    along the way of life. There will be
                                                                          Whenever        we      face
                    times when we would feel moody,
                                                                  different  challenges,  expect  a
                    sad, and there are times when tears
                                                                  roller-coaster  ride  of  emotions.
                    would suddenly fall down from our             Just like how the weather changes
                    eyes. In fact, human emotion is a             from  sunny  to  cloudy,  a  person
                    physical response to whatever is              under     pressure    would     feel

                    perceived by any of our five senses.          satisfied,  then  would  suddenly  go
                    When one laughs, then he is                   with  shoulders  down  caused  by a
                                                                  negative  thought.  Based  on  my
                    manifesting a response to happiness;
                                                                  personal experience, as long as you
                    while a cry is a physical response to
                                                                  know how to deal with it, you can
                    pain or loneliness. There are times           naturally  cope  with  whatever
                    when we would unexpectedly feel               trouble is bothering you.

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