Page 72 - Mousumi
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roof because of the steeper slope Economical context (costs):
which is effective in water-shedding. The prefab house is only available in
It has a foundation of asphalt. The Japan. It costs nearly $26,340 USD
material used is a corrugated sheet as with base (includes tax and operating
it is lighter and easy to build which costs of the construction installation).
also helps in mobility. This style uses Insulations and electrical outlets are
less material which makes it more optional add ones. The hut is sold
cost-effective. The angular roof unfurnished and without plumbing.
increases the amount of natural light
entering the house.
There may be an additional charge for
the application of construction
It has a raft foundation which is approval, also climate conditions at
generally used in common houses. the construction site can cause extra
Raft foundation helps the soil which costs. The warranty covers the hut for
has low bearing capacity also supports one year and the building frame for
heavy structural loads. It also provides five years, though it can be assured
stability and protects from ground that MUJI will last long. Affordance
moisture. exists even if they are not visible. The
The materials and texture of Muji hut furniture is sold separately. The
with the essence of lightweight and second point which people consider is
durability. A) Inner walls: Japanese no kitchen and washroom. A
cypress plywood. B) Floor mortar structure is provided without two
finish. C) Outer walls: Burnt cedar (oil basic things.
stain finish).
The big sliding door enhances the Ergonomics and Aesthetics:
natural light and glamour of the
surroundings. It's a glass door with a
As shown in (fig. 3) the ground plan,
rectangular metal frame. The high- front elevation, and side view of
quality use of the material and
MUJI Hut is shown with dimensions.
strategically placed window makes it The rectangle area before the entrance
more convenient to adjust with door is dome (dirt room). The roof is
interiors. The sliding door and a small
interpreted as a thick corrugated
window are made of the aluminum sheet. The plinth (raised platform) is
sash. Single-layer glass and insulation
kept and then the cabinet starts.
and polyethylene foam. The porch Section of the cabinet demonstrates
and slant roof makes the space airy the emptiness of the space.
and open. The furniture resembles
traditional motifs resembling the
chimney and carpet. The interior also The mortar floor gives resistance,
contracts with linear and conventional durability, and longevity. It can be
types of furniture. used like an earthen floor even in dirt
prone areas. The surface is nice and
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