Page 68 - Mousumi
P. 68
How To Deal You’re Your Prospective
Reality When Challenged?
By Madiha Khan
but the fear that his relationship with
his friend may weaken if he refuses to
help him in his exam may really win
the battle against his conscience.
Nobody is perfect. We have made
some wrong decisions unconsciously
in our life which we failed to notice
until somebody points it out at the
last moment. Being perfect means,
the person will never make any
mistakes in life nor will he/her
perceive things incorrectly; which is
impossible; even for great scholars.
But oftentimes, when people make
People choose to see what they mistakes or choose to do believe the
wrong facts, they deal with it by trying
want to see. Once they have built a
perception of the world they usually to justify them or deny the reality of
prefer to willfully ignore the facts that the mistakes. Self-justification and
challenge their beliefs and opinions, denial of the truth becomes a way of
life for these people where they live in
and vehemently defend and refuse to
a distorted reality where they will
acknowledge them because they
might not fit in their existing beliefs never make wrong decisions or
and prejudices. For instance, when a mistakes.
student decides to help his friend
cheat in an exam, instead of At a fundamental level, people know
acknowledging the fact that he that forcefully confiscating others'
harmed him by ignoring to guide him rightful property against their will is a
on the right path, he may recognize moral wrong but, when the aggressor
his action as an act of compassion, is our own government, we look the
‘true friendship’ and loyalty towards other way around. This kind of willful
his friend, encouraging him to further ignorance is prevalent in everybody’s
depend on him for future tests. A lives. Unless they experience the same
pragmatic small part of his mind thing, changing their perception on
might acknowledge that he is wrong things is difficult. When a government
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