Page 76 - Mousumi
P. 76
days, which makes it thinner. For a seed, so to check if the seeds have
faster result, place it in a place having grown roots, I suggest looking
direct sunlight. There it will only need through the bag over a bright source
to stay for about a day. of light, preferably the sun. If you can
The third step is transferring the see the silhouette of the seed’s roots,
seeds to another paper towel. Fold it you shall open the plastic bag and
over and spray with some water. Get take out the paper towel or tissue
it thoroughly wet. Insert it in a plastic paper gently, since the sprouts will be
bag and seal it. delicate at that stage.
The fourth step is putting the plastic Once the seeds have germinated, fill
bag in a place where it can get heat. I your pot with soil, place the sprouts
stuck it on my window with some gently using two toothpicks and cover
tape, but you can place them on a it up with some soil. Since the sprouts
table near a window, where there is need air to breathe, avoid pressing the
sunlight. If you do not have a place soil with your hands. Keep the pot in
with sunlight, you can put it in a place a warm area and spray it with some
having heat, for example, your water every one or two days, while
cupboard or near your stove, where checking the moisture of the soil with
the seeds can germinate. Germination your hands. After you got the leaves
is the sprouting of a seed, usually after grown, regularly pull out any weeds
the period of dormancy. around the plant. Make sure it gets
If you place the plastic bag in a eight to ten hours of sunlight. The
horizontal position, not only you will stems of strawberry plants are
have to pour out the excess water runners, which are horizontal stem-
every five to seven days but also you like growths extending from its
will have to moisten the towel when it mother plant. Cut out some runners.
gets dry. According to my This leads the rest of the runners to
experiments, I do not advise clone themselves until they fill the
disturbing the seeds by unsealing the pot, so you can have piles of
bag, so it is better to place the bag strawberries when it sprouts and gets
upright (vertically). By placing it ripened.
upright the excess water will be I assure you that if you follow each
accumulated in the base of the plastic step that I have written here, you will
bag causing the seeds above to get an have spectacular strawberry plants
adequate amount of moisture with plump, luscious, and juicy
constantly through vaporization. Use strawberries. Furthermore, all fruits
a mister bottle filled with a 1:20 with seeds including dates and
water/hydrogen peroxide solution to vegetables like sprouts, pumpkin,
spray on seeds and prevent mold. chili, tomato, and lime can germinate
Another suggestion is chamomile tea by this method. The best thing is that
to prevent mildew problems. you can choose plants that grow in a
The germination could take weeks, short amount of time like cabbage
depending on the type of strawberry and bean.
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