Page 131 - Mousumi
P. 131


                     HOW TO MAKE A SERVICE ROBOT

                                           AT LOCKDOWN

                                              By S.MUKESH KANNAN

                                                                 in which case their behavior may
                                                                 suggest intelligence or thought.

                                                                 TODAY let us learn how to make a
                                                                 servicing ROBOT at home during the


                                                                 TO make the service robot with the
                                                                 household item you require the
                                                                 following materials:

                                                                      For basic shape, you need
                                                                       cardboard or wood.
                                                                      4 wheels for moving
                    Nowaday’s robots are important and
                                                                      4 motors for controlling the
                    very useful in many Departments
                    such as cleaning,office work,
                                                                      Scale for measuring.
                    traveling,transactions, etc…  Even
                                                                      Cutter or scissors.
                    robots play a very important role in
                                                                      A steel plate for the bottom.
                    hotels such as cashier, servicing,
                                                                      Glue gun for sticking.
                    cooking, and many morethroughout

                    the world. NOT only in these has it
                                                                      2 speakers for sound.
                    played an important role even outside
                                                                      1 condenser mic.
                    earth such as satellites. Robots are
                                                                      2* 3volt motors for hand.
                    specially made to do specific tasks,
                                                                      Sandpaper for giving proper
                    such as some robots are made for
                    keeping children safe, cooking
                                                                      A UNO audio for processing
                    driving, etc…Robots are usually
                    machines controlled by a computer                 A transmitter and receiver for
                    program or electronic circuitry. They              controlling the robot.
                    may be designed to look like humans,              2 mini cameras for eyes.

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