Page 126 - Mousumi
P. 126
their points. If you both are on and their moods. Also, you can
the same page the issue will spice up your life with a little
resolve easily. If not, then try help from your partner. Don’t
to come to a midpoint if be selfish in bed. For most
possible. Saying that it also females, sex is mainly about
means both the partners should relationship and procreation
have patience. first, and pleasure and sexual
• Dominance: Ultimately in a satisfaction second. For the
relation, one of the partners majority of men, these
will show dominance over the priorities are reversed.
years. Dominance is so intrinsic Certainly, there are exceptions.
to human relationships that we And, in some cases, role
don’t even notice it. We all reversals. But, for the most
know it somewhere at the back part, psychologically, the
of the mind but do not significance of sexuality is
acknowledge it. But in the long different for females and males,
run, this start creating a which is one fundamental
ruckus. The most stable source of friction and
romantic relationships and misunderstanding between the
marriages seem to be those in sexes.
which dominance is clear from • Anger
the beginning. The dominant management: Had you ever
partner makes all the decisions, said some hurtful statements to
from what movie to watch to someone and later repented for
where to go on vacation in the yourself? You did not mean to
summer, and the subordinate say so but in the state of
partner acquiesces and takes a extreme anger, you said all of
supporting role. But when the that. We all do that most often.
recessive partner has enough But words are like arrows once
they fight back and there starts they leave the bow they are
a collision. So try to be a bit gone forever.
lenient sometimes. Your • Space: Everyone needs their
partner may seek help from personal space. Intruding your
you but the day you start partner’s life personal space
controlling each and every will make things worse. Don’t
activity of theirs you start go overboard with disturbing
walking towards a disaster. them. Show care but do not
• Sex: Sex resolves half of the disturb.
issues. Do I need to say more?
In our Indian society, it’s still a Identifying the signs of problems in a
taboo, but we all know the relationship is a huge issue. You may
importance of sex in our lives. never know when the seeds of
Try to understand their needs