Page 129 - Mousumi
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                    no  one  is  rich  or  poor,  all  are  equal   profession  rather  than  making  them
                    before the law and no one should get         do  what  they  want.  This  even  may
                    discriminated on that basis. A student       make  students  depressed  regarding
                    may also face the problem of mental          their plans as they have no interest in
                    stress during his school life as we may      the  particular  subject  with  their
                    get  tensed  regarding  marks  and           parents  had  selected.  So  the  choice

                    scores. So every school should keep a        should  be  given  to  children.  Even
                    student counselor in school who will         attention should be given on student’s
                    be able to solve these kinds of mental       proper  diet  and  exercise  as  many  of
                    issues that a student faces. As mental       the mental problems can be solved by
                    trauma  affects  badly  to  a  student  so   physical  exercise  because  exercise
                    everyone should take care that no kid        makes  students  happy  and  healthy.
                    is getting tensed due to this. Another       And parents should also take care that

                    thing which school authorities may do        issues  in  between  them  should  not
                    is  to  arrange  counseling  sessions  for   affect  the  kids  as  many  times  we
                    parents.  As  we  observe  in  today’s       observe parents fighting and children
                    scenario  that  parents  burden  their       crying because they fight. This is also
                    kids  to  score  good  and  in  this  race,   one  of  the  issues  of  concern  and  it
                    the  child  affects  the  most.  So  with    should  be  properly  addressed  by  the
                    students,  parents  also  need  to  take     parents      because      a     healthy
                    counseling  from  proper  dignitaries.       environment  is  a  prime  requirement
                    Parents     meeting      should     be       of every kid to develop in school days

                    compulsorily  arranged  once  in  a          and live a healthy life., I think that it's
                    month  to  take  a  look  at  student’s      all  the  prime  responsibility  of  every
                    growth       and       for      proper       parent  to  address  the  issues  of
                    communication between teachers and           students and solve them so that they
                    parents and also to solve the issues of      would face no problem in future and
                    students.  In  today's  world,  it  is  also   would  lead  a  healthy  life  and
                    even  necessary  that  parents  should       contribute  to  nation’s  development

                    allow  their  kids  to  perceive  their      and progress in coming years.

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