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                    moderate  depression.  It  helps  to  get    us  stress-free.  We  must  know  the
                    rid of negative thinking and behavior.       values of communication with others
                    It  is  of  two  types  –  cognitive-        as it helps in making our heart lighter
                    behavioral  therapy  and  interpersonal      by  sharing  our  problems  with  loved
                    therapy.  Electroconvulsive  therapy  is     ones. Education is a valuable tool to
                    another  type  that  can  be  adopted.       help  people  with  depression.  It
                    This involves the application of brief       provides  a  knowledge  base  that  a
                    current impulses to the scalp. This is       person  can  use  to  control  his
                    used  when  no  medications  and             disorders.  We  should  encourage  our
                    psychotherapy  can  help  fight  against     kids  from  the  very  beginning  and
                    depression. It is found to be the safest     teach them how to deal with failures.
                    and effective treatment among all.           We  should  interact  with  people  who
                                                                 make us feel happy and mood lighter.
                    Besides all these treatments, we have        Self -isolation all the time is not good,
                    natural  ways  to  combat  depression.       it  can  bring  negativity  in  us.  Always
                    Exercise  is  one  of  the  best  ways  to   try to avoid self-judgment, instead, we
                    treat it. Walking, running and cycling       should  praise  our  achievements.  We
                    can be performed regularly. A 30 min         should  remember  that  everyone  is
                    cardio workout thrice a week can help        good in his own way. Comparing our
                    us tackle the problem. We should take        abilities and disabilities with others is
                    proper  sleep  of  7-8  hours  as  lack  of   not a  good  idea.  Gratitude is one of
                    sleep  may  cause  anxiety  and  stress-     the  keys  to  tackling  it.  We  should
                    related  problems.  We  must  try  to        consider  what  went  good  not  what
                    avoid  high-calorie  intake  as  it  has  a   went bad.  We  should  be  grateful  for
                    direct  correlation  with  anxiety  and      what  we  have  as  not  everyone  has
                    depression. We should intake seven to        everything.  We  should  be  focussing
                    eight  liters  of  water  per  day.  Foods   on  self-worth,  self-compassion,  self-
                    that  bring  positivity  to  us  should  be   care,  and  self-confidence.  Not  every
                    consumed. Our gut health should not          day is a great day but we can hope to
                    be affected as it has direct links with      make  it  better  in  our  own  way.  The
                    our  mood.  We  should  try  to              feeling  of  satisfaction  is  all  that  we
                    reconnect  with  your  interests  and        need.  We  should  also  take  care  that
                    talents.  We  need  to  do  things  that     we  do  not  share  any  news  without
                    actually  make  us  feel  happy  and         verifying it as it may be fake too
                    contented.  We  can  try  to  engage
                    ourselves  in  various  activities  like
                    reading,  writing,  singing,  dancing,
                    planting saplings, etc. Meditation can
                    help in relieving stress, makes us calm
                    and  relaxes  our  mind  as  it  helps  in
                    balancing the neurotransmitters in our
                    brain. Helping someone in their work
                    can also bring us happiness and make

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