Page 88 - Mousumi
P. 88
recorded since the beginning of in our country that I have witnessed
lockdown, and for asthma patients are to defeat this invisible enemy.
healing 2% more. I hope that, of all these things, it is
My personal experience during this this national solidarity which sustains.
lockdown is that I have enjoyed the I hope that our amazement at seeing
slower pace of life and work from snow-capped mountains from dusty
Home. towns 200 kilo meters away and
Exploring the local area spotting beautiful birds in our
Now its time to support our local backyard makes us lifelong warriors
vendors and small business. for the environments that our old
Local to Global the new trend will ways threatened to the point that even
surely be a finance vaccine to this the coronavirus itself was a symptom.
pandemic economic crisis. I hope that our successful adoption of
doing so many things remotely means
Adapting the situation
The lockdown has proved how that fewer air.
resilient we can be and how we can I hope that our new-found respect for
our public health care system will
adapt to almost any situation.
We all will get through this tough sustain and that we will demand a
situation together, and there will be much higher share of national
some small positives vibes from a spending to strengthen its ability to
respond to the next epidemic. I hope
terrible situation.
In contrast to all these positive points, that we will feel as much compassion
for the millions who die of the
I am feeling myself grappling with
several questions about the good diseases of poverty, from TB to
things that I have unexpectedly come diarrheal diseases, even if our own
families may not be exposed to them.
to experience.
What, for example, will happen to all I hope that we will be able to
the beautiful birds and animals which empathize with the anguish felt by
have repossessed the streets and those in our country who are placed
rivers? What will happen to the under lockdowns with the constant
flourishing of sarcasm and wittiness in threat of being humiliated by our
response to our predicament? What gallant police.
will happen to the orderly way my I hope we will continue to offer a
fellow citizen stand in a queue, shoulder to lean on to the elderly, the
waiting patiently in the blazing sun for disabled, the homeless, and the day-
their turn to enter the air-conditioned wage laborers who live and work in
super-market? What will happen to our neighborhoods.
my leisurely walk to the village baker, The best experience during lockdown
untroubled by anyone other than the
is that we learn how to be resilient
odd dog?
and learn and be productive and use
But, most of all, I worry about what
this lockdown fruitfully.
will happen to the growing solidarity
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