Page 37 - Mousumi
P. 37
How to deal with our Negativity
By Srijani Mitra
perceive at a time, is our very
‘’own’’ negative thoughts. Such
thoughts encompass a whole
range of suppositions that we
usually make, like “ What if it
does not work out? “,” If I fail…
“, ‘’ I might not succeed ‘’ – all of
these are indicative of the
presence of negativity within
one. It is actually quite a natural
phenomenon to lean towards
negative thoughts, however we
need to balance them with a
positive outlook, say, intact,
The word “negativity “ has ‘’homeostasis of the mind’’ gets
multiple and varied perceptions. highly affected.
According to the Oxford
A famous quote by Paulo Coelho
dictionary negativity means ‘’
says, ‘’ Fear of Failure actually
expression of pessimism ‘’. It
leads to failure ‘’, similarly fear of
might seem that it’s a simple
embracing positivity leads to
word with a simple definition but
negativity which further causes
if negativity becomes highly
operational in our minds, it’s the wear and tear of our mind,
implications on our lives can be body and soul. Hence, before
analysing our negativity as
perilous. something induced into us by
We often are of the opinion that
negative reactions and comments others’ negative reactions
made by ‘others’ contribute in towards us, we should
ruining our mood. However the understand and fathom the
source of our negativity – our
quintessential truth about
own “not so positive” thoughts.
negativity is that, the source of all
Once we are able to stop our
negative energies that we might
negative emotions, beliefs,
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