Page 19 - Mousumi
P. 19


                                          Health and Fitness

                                                     By Simrat Kaur
                                                                 exercise  daily  for  at  least  20
                                                                 minutes. It increases our energy

                                                                 level,  improves  muscle  strength,
                                                                 maintains  healthy  weight  etc.  It

                                                                 keeps  us  active.  Staying  active
                                                                 keeps  our  muscles  an   strength.
                                                                 More  you  exercise,  the  more
                                                                 calories burn. It is also good for
                                                                 the heart.

                                                                 We should also do yoga daily. It
                                                                 makes  the  body  fit  and  flexible.

                                                                 It  has  many  more  benefits.  It

                                                                 gives relief when  you practice it.
                    Food is very essential to live. The          If you practice several asanas and
                    food  that  we  eat  contains  5             postures,  you  will  feel  relaxed
                    nutrients.  These  are  also  called         and  healthy.  It  also  helps  to
                    components  of  food.  These                 control breathing. Yoga keeps us
                    components  are  important  for              healthy,  fit  and  relaxed.  But

                    growth of the body. The food we              nowadays  children  are  not
                    eat daily is called our diet. A diet         interested  in   practicing  yoga.
                    which  contains  all  nutrients  in          Due  to  this  many  children  get
                    the  proper  amount  is  called  a           sick  very  fast  in  the  changing
                    balanced  diet.  Balanced  diet  is          season.  If  they  would  start
                    very  important  for  growth  and            practicing      yoga     and     doing
                    maintenance  of  the  body.  It              exercise daily, they would remain

                    makes the body healthy and fit.              healthy  and  fit.  Children  as  well
                    Beside  it,  exercise  is  also  very        as  elders  should  practice  yoga
                    important  for  health  and  fitness         and      do      meditation       daily.
                    of the body. One should                      Meditation keeps the body calm.
                                                                 Through        regular     meditation

                                                                 levels of stress can be  managed.
                                                                 It  is  a  relaxation  technique  like

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