Page 16 - Mousumi
P. 16


                       HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR KIND

                                                  OF MUSIC

                                                  By Divyanshi Shukla

                                                                 So don't worry I am here to help you
                                                                 as  there  are  many  music  genres  and
                                                                 artists  you  might  get  confused  to
                                                                 listen to if you are a person that got
                                                                 complete      freedom      to     music
                                                                 accessibility  now,  first  of  all,
                                                                 congratulations if u just got a personal
                                                                 phone,  iPod,  tablet,  radio,  home
                                                                 theater  whatever  device  you  can
                                                                 access music with.

                    Everyone  loves  music,  isn't  it?  But     In  whole  life,  we  heard  music  from
                    ever wondered what powerful impact           different  places(parties,  restaurants,
                    music can have on us starting with           clubs), people, circumstances (movies,
                                                                 public  radio,  malls,  school),  but  that
                    • Relaxation effect
                                                                 will  not  define  the  taste  for  music
                    • Improved performance                       completely  right?  So  let's  discover
                    • Reduces pain
                                                                 Some Science behind the music:
                    • Better Meditation
                    • Can make you a better person
                                                                 Did you ever got trapped in a vicious
                    These were just a few of the benefits        loop  of  unwanted  catchy  tunes  that
                    there  are  a  lot  more.  So  to  have  a   repeat  in  your  brain?  That's  an
                    proper  imbibe  of  music  don't  you        earworm  it  happens  when  a  snippet
                    think  you  should  have  a  playlist  that   of  a  song  that  you  heard  anywhere
                    suits you or a blend of music taste just     from  1-3  days ago  just  pops  back  in
                    like you want                                your  head.  And  not  always  just  the
                                                                 "hook" of the song, but sometimes a

                                                                 guitar lick, or horn line, or a part of
                    your  snacks  or  dinner  to  be  perfect    the  drumbeat  anything  can  do  this
                    when  having  them  with  different          because we are convergently exposed
                    combinations of foodstuffs like wine,        to  that  music.  But  some  moments
                    drinks, etc.                                 songs pop into our brains even when
                                                                 we haven't heard them for a long time

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