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                    should  support  its  employees  during      Effective  feedback  to  customer
                    this tough time.                             queries:The  outbreak  has  brought  a
                                                                 huge  challenge  to  entertain  and
                    Provide  education  to  consumers            provide  solutions  to  the  customised
                    about  how  to  have  conversation           queries.   For  instance,  the  dental
                    with brands:Brands need to educate
                                                                 services  are  on  hold  due  to  the
                    the    consumers      regarding     the      probability and proneness to physical
                    accessibility  of  goods  and  services.
                                                                 contact with patients. Brands need to
                    For  instance,  inform  the  customers       understand that they need to provide
                    about changes in operation, including        the  solutions  to  the  customers
                    new  hours,  facility  customer  service
                                                                 keeping  in  mind  the  hindrances.
                    availability,  and  ordering  options.       Suggesting  medicines  via  online
                    The  best  example  here  is  Apple.
                                                                 platforms,  sharing  content  regarding
                    Apple had a procrastination and acted        dental  problems  and  its  possible
                    proactively  by  implementing  store         temporary  solutions  would  definitely
                    closings  before  the  government
                                                                 help  in  building  customer  positive
                    ordered  it.   They  started  contacting     attitude  towards  brands.  This  would
                    consumers to motivate them to shop
                                                                 also  help  in  strengthening  the
                    online. The company also focused on          goodwill  of  the  brand.  Consumer
                    their  convenient  return  policies  and     engagement  would  result  in  positive
                    responsive  call  services  in  order  to
                                                                 electronic  word  of  mouth  which
                    provide efficient customer service.
                                                                 would      consequently     result    in
                    Strategic pricing policy: It would be        increased customer base.
                    a huge misconception to increase the         Brands need to be vocal for their
                    prices  of  the  products  and  services
                    post lock down. Companies may have           contributions in this time: In the
                    the  perception  that  loss  due  to         era of global competition, where
                    lockdown  can  be  recovered  by             brand are competing which each
                    increasing  the  prices  However,            other to gain customer base and
                    marketers need to realise that with the      loyalty, it is highly necessary that
                    lockdown  there  is  a  substantial          those brands which are engaged in
                    decrease  in  the  purchasing  power  of     helping the affected population
                    consumers.  But  during  this  crisis,
                                                                 during this tough situation, they need
                    pricing  can  act  as  a  saver.  For
                    example,  Marriott’s  and  Hilton’s          to be vocal about their contribution
                    started a campaign named as “Hotels          for the society. This will help in
                    for  Hope”  to  offer  free hotel  rooms     building awareness regarding the
                    located  near  medical  facilities  to       brand activities. Some liquor
                    healthcare workers. This cause for the
                                                                 companies have decided to produce
                    society  would  definitely  yield  in
                                                                 hand sanitizer from the alcohol they
                    consumer  trust  and  attitude  towards
                    brands.                                      distil, combating nationwide sanitizer
                                                                 shortages.This is regarded as investing

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