Page 107 - Mousumi
P. 107
How To Get Rid Of Covid-19?
By Hritik Mahesh Mhatre
coronavirus a "Chinese virus." Also,
some US experts have said that
Corona is a biological attack carried
out by China all over the world.
This suggests that the distance
between the superpower, the United
States, and China is winding .After all,
World War III is not about to begin,
Such a question is pressing in the
minds of many ...!
Symptoms of corona:
The coronavirus attacks your lungs
directly. This causes you to have one
of two symptoms - a fever or a dry
cough. Even if any of these happen,
breathing becomes difficult.
Corona ... this name is known to all
However, this cough does not stop.
Indians now! And the reason is the
same. An unprecedented event is You may be coughing for hours, or
happening in the history of India. The you may be coughing three or four
times a day. This can be more serious
Prime Minister of India announced a
than your usual cough, so be careful.
21-day lockdown. You may not think
this is a serious matter but it is serious When you have a fever, your normal
body temperature can be over 37.8
financially ...!
degrees Celsius. It can make you feel a
Mumbai's blood vessel, of course, little gritty, cold, or shivering
Mumbai Local has been closed for the .Symptoms can sometimes take up to
first time in so many days. I five days and sometimes longer.
remember one day in 2018, the local According to the WHO, the virus can
was closed due to floods and the take up to 14 days to show its effects
impact was Rs 500 crore. in your body. This is called the
incubation period.
The virus indeed spread from Wuhan
(a city in China). But now China has According to the latest information
gained a lot of control over the virus. from the US Centres for Disease
US President Trump called the Control, you should be alert if you