Page 10 - Mousumi
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can  help  them  to  increase  their         will  pass.”  So,  we  get  moral  that  if
                    knowledge. We can also showcase our          someone’s  life  has  many  problems,
                    talents  and  creativity  to  the  people.   we can do communication and make
                    Thus    even  if  the  nation  has  got      him  understand  that  this  time  is  not
                    locked  but  it  has  opened  the  key  to   constant,  it  will  pass  with  that
                    show out our hidden talent.                  happening  which  is  disturbing  that
                    How  people  are  negatively  taking         person.
                    this lockdown?
                    Unfortunately,  still,  there  are  people   Although, few comforting words like
                    around  us,  who  need  special  care,  a    ‘This too shall pass’ or ‘We will fight
                    little  more  motivation,  a  lot  more      this together’ or ‘This will end soon’
                    love.  As  the  whole  routine  has  got     etc.    can    change     the    mental
                    changed  they  become  upset.  I  agree
                    we need to maintain social distancing        atmosphere  for  many  people.  A  few
                    but  with  so  much  technological           more words or questions like  ‘May I
                    advancement, it’s time to put it in the      get  you  some  groceries?’  or  ‘Do  you
                    right  use.  Let’s  look  for  people        need  a  recipe?’  or  ‘How  are  you
                    around  us,  maybe  neighbours,  our         doing?’ will work wonders. Trust me!
                    grandparents,  or  siblings  or  even  the   Now, there is also good news for all
                    acquaintances,  who  probably  might         the people that this lockdown had let
                    not  be  living  with  their  families,  or
                                                                 the  green  environment  and  blue
                    might not be that socially  active.  It’s
                    time  for  us  to  support  mankind  and     planet to again bring that freshness in
                    strengthen the belief of humans. Be a        our nature which exists before. Now,
                    kind  ear  to  such  people  in  need and    we  all  have  entered  that  nice  earth
                    decrease  the  negativity  of  such          that  is  free  of  pollution  and  has  a
                                                                 clean  river.  I  think  no  one  has  even

                                                                 thought  that  we  could  feel  that
                    Sometimes, people get frustrated and
                    start  moving  out  of  their  homes         freshness  once  again.  So,  our
                    which  will  give  support  to  Covid-19     peacefulness  depends  on  our  way  of
                    to  spread  in  the  nation  and  due  to    thinking     and      imagination.     I
                    which  lockdown  will  keep  increasing      recommend  that  “Be  positive”  Let’s
                    and  the  economy  will  be  badly           start a new life which is fulfilled with
                    destroyed. So, we must follow all rules      positivity  and  joyfulness.  Let’s  come
                    and regulations of the nation and live
                                                                 and  sail  through  with  this  virus  as
                                                                 united  humankind  because  this  time
                    How to motivate people?                      it’s bigger. It’s not about religion, not
                    Believe  me,  communication  does  a         about  culture,  not  about  the  country
                    lot! Many of us have read the stories        but the whole humankind. Let’s stand
                    of Akbar and Birbal. So, once Akbar
                                                                 united and not forget to be grateful to
                    asked  Birbal  to  write  something  on
                                                                 the  ones  who  are  doing  the  little  to
                    the  wall  so  that  everyone  will  be
                    happy  after  reading  that,  either  he  is   the  mighty  effort  to  keep  the  beings
                    angry or sad. So He wrote, “The time         alive.

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