We writers never mean to offend someone especially with a title like this! For seeking attention there must be some weight in the topic. The content must be worth reading, such that the voice of what is being tried to convey is actually understood by the readers. Also, it should develop an internal change inside them. It is now and always be the main motto of writers. This is not only to grab the attention of all readers. It is expected that the topic being read by you brings out a change in you.
World’s best religion! So which is the best religion?? Well, some will say Hindu, some would choose Muslim. Few would go for Sikh, some for Christian and some little portions will opt Jain, Buddhism, Islam and etc. Basically India has enormous amounts of religions along with caste discrimination among them. They fight with each other for its removal whose decision was made together by them. Whenever a person is asked to introduce himself or herself, they present themselves as any normal Hindu, Musalman, Christian or Jain but not as Indians. Yes, why to differentiate yourself when you can stand as one.
No religion is best and none is worst. People need to know that we all stand equal to each other and not against each other. There are many TV channels and newspapers that show you the riots happening around the globe. But what they not show is a soldier with name “Ahmad Khan” from India’s army fighting at Indian border for us. Here it’s not highlighted about being of any religion but the reality that people need to know.
Likewise, there are many names and examples like Mohd. Shami and Harbhajan Singh from Indian Cricket team. Remo D’souza who is the best choreographer of India and many teams from his famous show ‘Dance Plus’ have performed at international level and also won the title of World’s Hip Hop Dance Championship and NBC’s World Of Dance. And how can we forget APJ Abdul Kalam who gave new heights to science and inventions itself in India. So the main point is that the name doesn’t matters, neither the religion and nor the gender. But what matters at the end is the kind of person you are and kind of citizen you are towards your country. Your actions will decide your priority and dedication for a well developed nation.
Reminding back some riots from past when people fought for building a temple/mosque/gurudwara or a church. But they always ended up wishing each other Diwali, Eid, Baisakhi and Christmas. They fought for some more personal reasons but studied in same school and learnt equally. Also quarreled over playing namaz, aartis and carols in loud voices but ate in same hotel in the evening. This all is not about only pointing out these four religions, actually there are so many, that now while explaining, religions are running out of words.