World Wetland Day


Every New Year brings a bundle of celebrations that we commemorate. Behind every special day, there might be personal significance, regional sentiment or global interest. Surprisingly, the majority of people are unaware of several important international days. “World Wetland Day” is one of those significant dates which is quite alien to commoners.

Wetlands are land consisting of swamps, marshes. Seasonally, or sometimes throughout the year, these ecosystems are flooded by water. The vegetation growing in the hydric soil marks its uniqueness.

Significance of World Wetland Day:

The significance of observing the world wetland day lies behind the importance of the wetland itself. Many people being unaware, are dumping wastewater, converting the wetlands into agricultural lands. This callousness has lead to the reduction of these ecological boons along with the unique habitat.

This day is a reminder for humans to think about their enormous benefits. And inspire people to conserve these diverse ecosystems. With the increase of overexploitation of ecological resources, the value of the 2nd Feb has risen significantly. The ultimate motive of the day is to increase awareness about the importance of wetlands, the threats to these diverse lands and most importantly, all the steps that an individual can take in preserving them.

Importance of Wetlands:

Now, plenty of reasons encourage the importance of wetlands.

1.  Purification of Water:  When running water passes through the marshes, its velocity decreases. It ensures the settling of almost ninety per cent of the sediments. So, in this way, the heavy metals attached to the deposits are eliminated as well. The wetland vegetation takes up the excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus.

2.  Controlling floods and erosion:  Several wetlands, especially the floodplain wetlands, can momentarily store floodwaters during high runoff events. Wetlands act like a natural mop that traps the racing current and limits its pace. As floodwaters subside, the water is released slowly from the wetland soils minimising the damage. They hold back some of the floodwaters and slow the rate, which o reduces the severity of soil erosion.

3.  A plethora of flora and fauna:  Wetlands are very diverse ecosystems. These are home to reptiles like alligators, turtles, vermins and amphibians like salamanders and newts. The aquatic fauna is a hub of crustaceans and fishes. The place is a shelter for plovers, grouses, herons and a temporary residence for migratory birds.

Wetland Animals

Seagrass, water-lilies, tea-tree, ferns and a variety of swamps compose the flora. The submerged, floating or emergent hydrophytes dominates the vegetation.

History of WWD 

The initiation of the World Wetland day records back to 1971. Several conservationists united for the protection and love for the wetlands. It marks the day of the enactment of the Convention on Wetlands in Ramsar. Present-day, many wetlands all over the world are under ‘ramsar sites’ for their importance.

Events taking place on the day:

Several associations and environmentalists organise numerous activities to encourage people. Some of them are:

  • Lectures and Seminars to spread awareness: These are the most common way to educate people about the importance of wetlands. These can also be organised in educational institutes to educate the future citizens or the youth.
  • Art contests for kids and sampan races for adults: Drawing competitions on eco-friendly themes inspire the children. Sampan races attract enthusiasts.
  • Nature walks: These help people to take a break from their monotonous schedule and experience nature. The sunset in the woods, the scented breeze reminds them to be grateful. 
  • Community clean-up days:  These help to unite people and develop a sense of responsibility among them. 
  • Launching new wetland policies:  Undoubtedly, this is the best day to initiate any scheme on wetlands. The combined efforts of environmentalists and the respective organisations bring up new strategies for the conservation of wetlands.


Being responsible tenants of the earth, we must conserve ecological wealth. The surge in population and human activities are drastically reducing valuable natural resources. And the wetlands are not any exceptions. The destruction of wetlands for human greed is equally affecting its unique flora and fauna. Every person should come forward with a vow to protect these wetlands. More and more people should participate in World Wetland Day.

How can we celebrate?

 Teachers can hold a special seminar on the same. Or, can organise an essay competition on the following topic. One can easily take part in the occasion even while sitting at home. We can spread awareness to our friends, family through social media. Apart from that, we can make some donations to legitimate organisations and inspire others for it.

 A single step of an individual is very significant. After all, this is the least we can do for our home- Earth.


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