World AIDS Day

By Darla Geethika


World’s Aids day is proclaiming on December 1st of every year.

It was first recognized in the year 1988. The main aphorism of this day is provoking awareness among aids patients and recollecting the ones who died due to HIV Aids. Every year the

WHO organization introduces a theme on world’s aids day in

2020: Global solidarity shared responsibility.


In 1987 James Bunn and Thomas netter, two public information

officers for a global program on aids they conveyed to the world

the new idea on December 1st assessed as a world’s aids day they

hauled this idea to Dr. Jonathan who is the head of a global

program on aids at the world health organization in Geneva he

almost accepts the concept and certified it. James Bann a

a journalist for san Francisco telecasts on television that 1st

December proclaimed as world’s aids day.

What is HIV? What are its symptoms?

HIV means “Human immunodeficiency virus.” HIV is two kinds are HIV -1(M-traffic virus) and HIV-2(T-traffic virus). It was

first specified in 1963 in Paris of Pasteur Institute which says that

HIV was concerned with the retrovirus group of RNA. The main reason for aids was HIV -1 certified by members of the institute.

Luc Montagnier, Francoise’s barre, and his friends discovered the two HIV viruses that cause AIDS in1983and1985and1985.Luc

Montagnier Francoise barre honored by the 2008 noble prize

Symptoms of HIV-AIDS:

On nights the person can have extreme dehydration. ∙

cough, fever∙

A person who is struggling with HIV can have constipation problems, heart attack, skin infections. Weight loss, ∙

headache, diabetes infections, etc.

Breathing problems ∙

Lots of depression. ∙

Percentage of ghrelin in blood decreases. ∙

East fungus infections will be there lifelong. ∙

What is mean AIDS? What it’s the treatment?

AIDS means “acquired immunodeficiency syndrome”. World

aids disease was first identified in the year 1981 in homosexuals in

America. In India, in 1986 it was recognized in prostitutes in

Chennai. Later it spread all over the world. The percentage of aids (HIV) was more in body fluids like semen and low in mom’s milk. Aids is not a simple disease it is a community of diseases.

Aids evolution was primarily in lepocytes of white blood cells.

Later it spread to B-cells macrophages, promyelocytes, and finally to brain-related cells, and leads to the death of favorable cells. If HIV once spread to our body it leads to a decrease in

stamina of our body. T4 and CD4 blood cells play a major role in the life of an HIV victim they will fight against the virus and also helps in finding how largely the victim is affected by HIV.


HIV-AIDS patient if person thought is, he/she may be attacked

with the virus, they can come across these tests.

Testing process:

  1. Screening test:
  2. spot test

III. Dipstick test

  1. Detection of ANTI-HIV serum antibodies using ELSA


  1. TO know the AIDS percentage in blood we will use CD4 cell

count, CDS8 cell count.

Confirmatory process:

  1. HIV ANTIBODIES IgG indicator HIV-2


Through these procedures, a person will know that he affected with HIV-AIDS or not? If he is affected what are further steps to be taken by the doctor’s advice?

We already know that there are no medicines for, if we

consult the doctor, he just checks the stamina of a patient and

he examines the T cells in his/her blood and gives A2T

medicines if he/she is in the first stage. If they are in the second stage, they will give non-nucleon side reverse trans claypits inhibitors, not to allow new viruses. If it is in the third stage the medicine is prostate inhibitors. These are all to not increase the

production of viruses

 What to eat during HIV- AIDS?

The person who is suffering from aids should eat healthy so that

he/she can increase their stamina their eating food should have

carbohydrates, fatty substances, iron, vitamins, and also chicken

and meat substances.

Fruits and vegetables also very important during having food and

also, the person has to do daily exercise if he does exercise daily so

that t-cells may increase and kill HIV.

No depressions, spend a happy and healthy life to sleep to awake, and have healthy food to conquer HIV-AIDS.


  1. The person who is struggling with AIDS cannot marry others if you are married please explain to them.
  2. The HIV woman cannot feed her baby with her milk so that the virus cannot spread to the baby.
  3. Avoid sex with unknown partners so that you cannot get


  1. The person who is tested for HIV + cannot give blood to others.
  2. In case it is important to han have an injection then use disposable needles.

Some slogans on world’s aids day to procure some


“Make your voice potent to fight against AIDS” 

 “AIDS can’t judge your life it just your enemy threw it 


 “If you’re struggling with AIDS physically but mentally, 

you’re strong to reach your goals”.’

 ‘’All our dream can come true if we have the courage to 

overcome AIDS.

‘’If we have great talent to overcome the fear of AIDS then it ϖ


 ‘’If you think you are amazing then you are the one who can be stronger to defeat AIDS’’. 

 ‘’Think positive then you can positively conquer AIDS’’. 

 ‘’Be kind to AIDS patients treat them with gentle’’. 

 ‘’Your future is created when you have the stamina to endure the enemy -AIDS’’. 

 ‘’You dream to overcome AIDS can’t come true unless you try to beat it’’. 

 ‘’Try harder and harder unless you vanquish AIDS’’. 

 ‘’You can do whatever when just destroy the fear of AIDS’’. 

 ‘’Don’t give up unless your great thing {overcome the fear of aids} happens’’. 

 ‘’Nobody can help you in this situation so you be a 

helper to overwhelm it’’.

 ‘’Be happy every day and every second so that ϖ

AIDS can get fear to reach you’’.

Data on HIV-AIDS:

It is very sad to say Andhra Pradesh has the highest number of

HIV-positive patients in the country. According to official

statistics, the state had 24 lakh HIV positive patients in the

country during 2011-2012

Maharashtra, Karnataka is followed by Andhra Pradesh.

Officials said that one in every 300 adults is suffering from HIV

elsewhere. The prevalence of HIV is 1.07 percent among males and 0.73 among females in the state, which again higher than in states. Its prevalence among adults is 0.90 and in pregnant women 1.22 percent in Andhra Pradesh. The government

introduced Anti retroviral[ART centers] to supply medicines to

HIV patients. Medical and Health departments introduce a program to bring awareness among the victims.



World’s Aids day it’s a recollecting day for us to recollect all the days how Aids patients fought against it? It is a wonderful change to motivate the ones who are struggling with aids and keep some

time to spend with them at least on that day so that they can get some relief and give some hope and joy to them. Tell them life very short so spend this little period with lots of fun.

                                                                      Authored by

                                                                                      Darla Geethika


  1. Great Geethika You have great writing sense
    The way you protarated every point from history to creating awareness on aids the arcticle went so well………………


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