World AIDS Day

By Aarohan Regmi


World AIDS Day, was designated on 1 December in 1998. It is dedicated to spreading awareness about HIV AIDS which is a pandemic caused by HIV infection and for those who died because of AIDS. Its full name is Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease (AIDS). It is a life-threatening condition that is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Disease (HIV). It is a disease that attacks Immune System and our Immunity system gets low and there is a high chance of a patient being attacked by other fatal diseases. Its symbol is a red ribbon which is the global system dedicated to people who are HIV positive and people who are living with HIV disease for many years. It killed 28.9 million people in 2017 and 41.5 people worldwide. 36.7 million people are living with HIV worldwide. It is one of the most important public health issues in the world. The death rate of people being affected by AIDS in 2016 was 1 million compared to 1.9 million people in 2015. AIDS was first noticed in 1957. A blood sample was taken in 1959 from a Léopoldville in the Belgian Congo. On World AIDS Day people have an opportunities to show solidarity with the millions of people being affected by HIV worldwide. On this day people wear a HIV awareness red ribbon on the day. People can order a red ribbon through online shops, we can pick one up from selected branches of Morrisons for a donation of £1.


It was conceived in August 1987 by James W Bunn and Thomas Netter. They were the officers for AIDS from World Health Organizations from Geneva, Switzerland. They gave their idea to Dr Jonathan Mann, who was thdidirectorGlobal Programme on AIDS. He liked the concept and declared that World AIDS Day should be held on December 1 1988. Bunn was a formal broadcast journalist from San Francisco recommended the date of 1 In the first two years World Aids Day focused on children and young people. (UNAIDS) The Joint United Nations became operational in 1996 and took planning and promotions of World AIDS Day. UNAIDS created the World AIDS Day Campaign in 1997 year-round communications, preventions and education and became an independent organization in 2004. Every year John Paul II and Benedict XVI released a greeting message for patients and doctors on World AIDS Day. In 2016 HIV AIDS NGOs (including Panagea Global AIDS and The AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa) started a campaign to rename World AIDS Day to World HIV Day.


All the World AIDS Day campaigns focus on a specific theme, chosen following consultations with UNAIDS, WHO and a large numbers of grassroots. For each World AIDS Day from 2005 to 2010 theme was ” Stop AIDS. Keep the promise”. The multi-year theme of 2012 was ”Getting to Zero: Zero new HIV infections. Deaths were 0 from HIV related illness. The US Federal theme was ” Focus, Partner, Achieve An AIDS-Free Generation” as the year of 2014. The themes are limited to a single day but are used year-round efforts of international highlights.

By Aarohan Regmi


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