Women Empowerment


“ when women are free to walk at the night in the roads that’s the real day which we got our independence”


Women empowerment is one major factor that is considered when we are seeing a development of a country .women empowerment is basically making the women understand their own rights and to help them stand using their own legs without any influence of a men.


India is still backward in women empowerment .still many surveys states that India is unsafe for woman as still today many women are harassed, also abused in our country. The constitution of India mainly focusses to provide a safe an equal environment to women and to give them equal rights as of men. Many articles and amendments states. The constitution assemble along with our BHIMROA AMBEDKAR was very sure to sought equality between men and the women. The equality for women is stated in our “ARTICLE 15”. It states that everyone is equal before the law and whether it is a man nor a woman. No one should be discriminated because of religion ,caste and the gender .every woman is free to file a case when she feels that she is not provided with the justice and with equality.
“whenever a tribal woman became the president of India, then all the privileges should be cancelled”


There are many instances where women sought equality this instance took place in the country of France. The incident that the woman first started to rebel and protest to get their own rights occurred in the history is “THE FRENCH REVOLUTION”. The revolution started during the rule of the king LOUIS IX who is the emperor of the France during that period. The revolution aimed to get equal rights and get freed from Monarchy which is the rule of the king and their family. the French society is divided into three estates and only the people of the first two estates are only offered with privileges. Even after the end of the monarchy which when they framed the constitution. even in that constitution there is no rights and justice are mentioned for the welfare of woman. The constitution is starting with “RIGHTS OF MAN AND CITIZEN “and women are regarded as a passive citizen and are not provided with equal right. women are also not provided with any voting rights as they are passive citizen only men take the decision for their welfare. After their 200 years of their struggle women of France got their justice, equality and their voting rights.


Women are about 662 million of India’s population and women who are going to work is only one -third of women’s population.as of that many women are considered as a liability of the country and only one third of the women is an asset of the country.
Another issue is women I our country mostly lack for education. Most girl children in rural areas of the country are mostly not sent to schools because the schools are so long from their home, so their parents think that it is unsafe for a girl child to be let out for long places such as schools. Even in the urban areas of the country mostly women are not allowed to persuade higher studies and they are forced to stop their studies at their school level.at this stage they are even also forced for marriage at a younger age. Mostly than of men, women mostly get married at a younger age. Parents of girls in India mostly think that if they have girl child it’s their responsibility to get them married and not education
Another issue in our country is the honor death and honor killing. This mostly occurs when the parents think that their daughter do not obey, they word and accept their customs and assumptions. These deaths are when the parents kill themselves as well as their daughters. The parents the no rights to decide that their daughter should end their life or not. It’s their life
India, our country is still backward in women empowerment development. But the western and developed country are far most and forward in women empowerment. Women getting their empowerment is like getting out of the cage they feel happy as if a caged bird is let out of the cage. The women empowerment is like clean pure air provided for woman. Every women from every country will require the empowerment.

                                                                         Authored by

                                                                                           Ashmitha R


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