Women Empowerment


There is no such thing called voiceless, there are either deliberately silenced or preferably unheard. Such is state of women in our society. Thus giving them the entitlement to make their own choices becomes important. Women empowerment means lifting women out from the abyss of insignificance and suppression of the patriarchal society and giving them the power over their own lives and acquire them the ability to take imperative decisions. It’s also about realizing their self-worth, their right to have access to resources and opportunities, their right to have control over their own existence both within and outside the house and their ability to influence the societal norms to create a just and respectful social and economic order both nationally and globally. This phenomenon is not just limited to accentuate the developmental rights and opportunities but also recognizing the oppression to gain consciousness and the constant struggle against the undesirable cultural and legal bindings at all levels. To empower feminine is also a way to redefine gender roles that allows them to acquire the potential to choose between the known prospects that they were otherwise been restricted from.

Imagine a world where gender equality is the norm and everybody enjoys equal opportunities and resources to thrive, a place free from misogyny and toxic masculinity, where women have equal say in decisions that affect their lives, their bodies, their policies and their environment, women empowerment is the key. It has become the need of the hour, because it affects everybody, every nation, business entity, community and group. It determines the quality and quantity of our human resource, which in turns determines our growth and development potential. The significance of women empowerment and gender equality cannot be undermined as it ensures sustainable development, which requires gender parity.

The subordination that women face today, regardless of her class, takes various forms: discrimination, disregard, oppression, exploitation, violence- within the family, at workplace and in society, stories might be different but theme is the same.
Women is subjected to various barriers like cultural, where some unwanted traditional norms are so rigid which makes them feel pressurized, while others just accustom to be treated as inferior beings. The gender gap in education is not unheard of, where girls are not allowed to gain higher level of education and are subjected to household chores because of the ill mindset of undermining their potential and considering them a liability. Women lack the access to decent work; faces occupational segregation and unjust gender pay gaps. With internet taking over the world, women are victimized to stalking, cyber bullying, sexual harassment and abuse. Lack of safety in the urban spaces limits women right to free movement. While in slums and villages, lack of proper housing, sanitation and hygiene facilities pose a great challenge. Also unsafe public services put women in a vulnerable spot and limit her rights in cities.
Social evils such as dowry system, child marriages, female feticides and other such stigmas have hampered their growth and development.

It’s time we break the shackles of patriarchy and challenge those unjust practices that limits our basic human rights. It’s time to formulate and implement policies that strengthen women participation in all realms of life. Let’s make education accessible to every woman out there, exclusive scholarships, skill based training and most of all creating awareness among rural families about how education is the way forward and its impact in changing their lives for better. It’s time to reform outdated legislations and policies that deter women from entering the labor markets. Let’s eliminated gender inequality in employment and make the best utilization of the untapped reservoirs of talent, its high time employers walk the talk and support diversity at workplace and bridge the gender pay gaps.  Stringent laws are needed to prevent gender based exploitation and violence. Free women from the clutches of social stigmas and give them their right to freedom. Most of all raise you sons to respect girls and women.

Despite of all the odds, women have excelled in every sphere of life. From becoming presidents to holding key portfolios both nationally and globally they have shown their leadership and decision making power. From joining the combat forces and touching the skies with glory to the healthcare workers during pandemic they have been at the frontline and displayed their valor and immense courage. From sports to glam industries women have showcased their talent and have shined on. From becoming scientist and astronauts to reaching the moon nothing could limit their aspirations. From entrepreneurs to managers and investors they have strengthened their economic and financial base and have significantly boosted the global economy. It’s safe to say Future is Women.

It’s time we understand that empowering women no longer just empowers them for their wellbeing but also helps in yielding a competitive advantage to economies and societies.
To all the women out there never doubt that you are valuable, powerful and deserving of every opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your dreams. Be the voice and women of your choice.


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