Women Empowerment

By V. Lokesh


In this sedimentary sphere, without her 

Nothing can be born, been reminded

As seeds and unnoticed, not even minded 

By him who was spectating us, up there.


Not, even pursuing gym, will reward the prowl

Which she had within her. Then why they say

Men and women are considered equal always

Though knowing the truth that, she’s more than equal.


Of knowing the uncertainty in the equality

Of men and women, one may conclude to the statement

That, since men itself capable of many, especially   empowerment

The fore she’ll overtake men in empowerment capability.


Then, why many of the women underpowered?

Is it of the fear of men, that if at all she reaches peaks,

soon we’ll be unrecognized and will be washed out as weeds?

If not, why the orthodox men still prohibiting women to empowered?

By V. Lokesh



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