What is Racism!


In recent weeks the killing of George Floyd in America by a police officer on the basis of his race sparkled a lot of demonstrations and movements around the world. This has clearly indicated that the ancient rooted vice is still with us, racism.
Let me take you back in times where this discrimination was still practiced.
In German, Adolf Hitler claimed that Germans were superior to all other racial groups. This led to the killing of around eleven million people. Jews were mostly hit by this as about two thirds of Jews were killed.
Also, dark complexions were associated with hard labour, this was a reason for the slave trade from Africa. The alternate races were considered for fair labour, such as the white color job.

Definition of racism

Racism, also known as racialism can be defined as an ideology that race is a determinant of human abilities and character such that one culture/race is superior to the other.
A belief that races determine achievement and another one is inferior and can be dominated by the other.
Did you know that in the past, American police officers arrested the blacks claiming that they were natural thieves?

Types of racism

Individual racism
This is a type of racism where persons hold negative ideas about their own race/culture .
They are personal negative assumptions, beliefs or human behavior.
The attitude is learned from histories and supported by systemic racism
Interpersonal racism
This often happens between individuals, where a person holds negative attitudes and beliefs towards the other race. One thinks that his or her race is superior to the other and should be dominant.
Institutional racism
It happens in institutions such as schools, churches, workplaces.
A particular race is seen to be inferior to the other in that setting.
In early times, in the U.S, there were black schools and white schools, the same with churches, hotels and in the transport sector.
Structural racism
It is a type of racialism where two or more institutions hold an attitude or a belief that race is a divisive factor. They believe that one race is superior to the other, such that one race deserve more than the other.

How do we curb the spread of racism.

The fight against racism for a brighter equal world should be from the individual level to a collective level.
Individually we should change a worldviews. People should treat everyone equally regardless of one’s race or culture.
Collectively, ought to oppose racism. Everyone is equal.
The government should also play a big part .It should come up with legislations to help end the racial discrimination.

What has been done so far

In America, a bill has been introduced to end excessive use of force by the police which led to the death of a black, George Floyd.
In the U.S and Belgium, statues of racist colonial figures were brought down.
Films that promote racism have been dropped.




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