What is Mentoring !

Mentoring: Shine your career by making others shine
Mentoring: A true hobby

Google defines hobby as ‘an activity done in someone’s leisure time for pleasure’. People across this world have diverse taste in choosing activities that give them a piece of mind, thus hobbies vary from person to person. The list of hobbies is endless- singing, writing, gardening, anything we can invest in, for our own mental satisfaction is treated as hobby. A good hobby not only adds pleasure to one’s mind but also helps in increasing concentration and gaining new skills, thus helping in the long run. That is the reason why interviewers always look for a hobby in the resume of the applicant.

Some people like mentoring in their leisure time. Mentoring is a learning activity between two individuals where an experienced person, called a mentor shares his/her knowledge with the less-experienced one or a beginner, called a mentee. Some students love to share their gained knowledge and pass it to their fellow mates or juniors. Some schools and colleges have extra interactive sessions where students take part to distribute their experiences and views and guide the other ones in their lessons. But, what started as a hobby can walk to a great furnished destination, if it is well worked upon. Mentoring is now more than a hobby, a well-structured job and in great demand.

We all want a mentor to guide us in our difficult time. Maximum companies execute mentorship programme. They hire mentors who show them various aspects in their respective fields, they help in decision making and show one the best version of oneself. One needs a mentor in different patches of life; thus, the types of mentors are many in number. For example, a student needs a career mentor to help them choose a particular career, and how to reach the brightest and highest steps of it. On the other hand, a business company needs a business mentor who would help with good advises with the business plan. A good mentor helps to see one’s own insight, pacing personal development. They don’t impose their own thoughts on the mentee, but actually listen to what their mentees are saying and give them feedbacks and responses.

A good mentor helps one in his difficult phase when he/she lacks experience, on the opposite side, a bad mentor can always lead to the wrong way. Thus, to become a good mentor, one needs to expertise some particular skills and attributes. First, one needs to establish what actually he/she is looking for, when someone’s goal is cleared, he/she can gain more experience and pass it to his/her mentees. The next task is to find a mentee through networks and organisations or by schemes. The mentor should set expectations and guidelines with the mentee, and talk with him/her with his specific issues. As the relationship between the mentor and mentee develops, the mentor can use the experience for improving his career too.

Mentoring mainly has four stages, namely, preparation, negotiating, enabling growth, and closure. Each phase varies in length and has its own strategies and steps that can lead mentoring to perfection.

A true mentor gains some good skills too. Mentors are actually great leaders, they have excellent communication and listening skills. Their knowledge is vast, and they always tend to share it. They look for learning opportunity together with the mentee, and are capable of giving back feedbacks. The three Cs in mentoring are Consultant, Counsellor, Cheerleader. As a consultant, a mentor has to provide recommendations and share their insight of years of real-life experiences. As a counsellor, they would listen and guide but don’t give all the answers right away, and let the mentees experience first. As a cheerleader, they would always fill their mentees with enthusiasm as the real world has various ups and downs. Mentors should celebrate mentees’ success no matter how big or small.

Like many other jobs, mentoring has its own goals, which need to be achieved for bringing perfection. Mentors always are great leaders, so they should work upon their leadership skills. They must be confident enough to help others furnishing their careers. Public speaking and presentation skills need to be practised more. They should have a great life-work balance, be expert in working with team and have a proper next-step plan with career trajectories.

There are many paid mentors. The company funded mentoring programmes are paid by the company itself so as to guide their freshers. Many mentors volunteer to take part in the mentorship programme without actually getting paid.

Being a mentor isn’t easy, but a mentor is a true hero who helps people in establishing their careers.  A true mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor. Mentoring starting as a hobby actually means a hobby to help others in their own life, it is a career that helps shining other’s too. Surely, it’s an ideal hobby and a great job.


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