Every year on 31 October, ‘All Halloween’which is traditionally known as the ‘All Hallow’s Eve’ or ‘All Saint’s Eve’ is observed in many countries to commemorate the dead, martyrs, saints, and all the departed souls. This year on Halloween’s Eve, there will be a rare full moon (Blue Moon) which roughly occurs once in every 19 years.


It originated more than 2000 years ago from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition of Samhain -a pagan religion. It was usually celebrated on the last day of harvest season and beginning of winter or the ‘darker half’ of the year. Over the years, it became more popular worldwide and is even celebrated in some parts of urban India with joy and enthusiasm. Many people believe that the barriers between the physical and the spiritual world breaks down, thereby allowing more interaction between humans and denizens of other world.
There was a belief that on this day, the spirits of the dead returned to earth. So they used to light bonfires and wear unconventional costumes to ward off evil spirits. The Celtic priests also known as the ‘Druids’ built huge sacred bonfires, where large number of people gathered to burn crops and animals and offer it as sacrifices to the Celtic deities. Their costumes comprised of animal heads and skins, and attempted to tell each other’s fortunes. After the celebration they relighted their sacred bonfire to help them protect from cold, the whole winter.

According to theory, some people believe that the Samhain having pagan roots,were Christianized (conversion of individuals or groups into Christianity religion) by the early Church. Whereas some believe that the ‘Halloween’ was solely a Christian holiday.
All Hallow’s Eve is celebrated prior to the holy ‘All Saint’s Day’ and ‘All Soul’s Day’ of the Christians which is observed on 1st and 2nd November respectively.
In Ireland during 19 century,candles were lit and prayers were offered for the souls of the departed. They believed that the spirits revisited their home seeking hospitality.

The Legend of Stingy Jack

The carving of pumpkins and turnips has been a common practice in many parts of the world. Pumpkins were carved like a spooky figure and light was embedded inside it, which is known as Jack-o’-lantern.

There is an ancient Irish myth in which a drunkard nicknamed as ‘Stingy Jack’ invited the Devil for a drink, but since he didn’t want to pay for his drink, he convinced the devil to turn himself into a coin,so that he can use the coin to buy the drinks. But once the devil did so, Jack decided to keep the coin in his pocket, next to his silver cross,which prevented the devil to return to it’s original form.
He eventually freed the devil under one condition that he would not trouble him for one year and claim his soul after his death.
The following year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing a tree to pluck a fruit. When the devil climbed up the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree’s bark so that the devil could not come down until he assured Jack not to annoy him for another ten years. Finally when Jack died, the Devil kept his word and didn’t claim his soul and didn’t send him to hell. Instead he was doomed to roam the Earth with only a hollowed turnip to illuminate his dark way.

‘Guising’ and ‘Trick or Treat’

The ‘Trick or Treat’ is said to have originated from ancient Irish and Scottish practices. Nowadays, it is quite popular among children.
Children wear spooky costumes and go from door-to-door, singing songs asking for cakes, candy, chocolates or even money from people. They simply ask a question, Trick or Treat,where a mischief or prank is performed on house owners or their property if no treat is given.


Costumes for All Hallow’s Eve is directly inspired by Hollywood horror movies depicting supernatural figures like vampires (draculas),monsters, ghosts,skeletons,devils,wizards and witches.But nowadays costumes of popular fictional characters like Ninjas,Peter Pan,Avengers,Harry Potter, Cat Woman,etc are also worn by many. Costumes for pet animals are also designed like hot dogs, pumpkin and bumblebee.

Halloween Parties and Games

People throw a party every year inviting their friends and relatives and organize various games .Nowadays there are several games which are played during halloween parties like Donut Eating Race, Plastic Wrap Mummy, Marshmallow Tossing, Pumpkin Face, Halloween Egg Hunt and much more. Watching horror movies and telling ghost stories are very common in parties.


Historically, some christians refrained meat consumption on All Hallow’s Eve, and follow certain vegetarian foods on this vigil day, including apples, potatoes, pancakes,bonfire toffees, roasted pumpkin seeds and corn and soul cakes( hot cross buns).Some people also consume apples and hazelnuts because according to ancient Celtic mythology, apples associated immortality and hazelnuts were associated with divine wisdom.

Religious Opposition

All Hallow’s Eve is greatly influenced by Christian dogmatic principles and it widely spread to American and European continents.
It is mostly celebrated in United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Ireland. But some christians are concerned about celebration of All Hallow’s Day. Jehovah community and Jewish religion are against the celebration of Halloween Day since it encourages paganism, witchcraft, occults etc.

By  Richie Elangical


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