Life is a beautiful gift given by God and Parents. One should love life and make it worth living. Life is all about ups and downs. We all undergo this process of life. Some day we are very happy and sometimes we are sad. During our hard and difficult times, we do have many negative thoughts running in our minds. In this situation, we do overthink the situation. Due to some misunderstandings or communication gaps, the situation gets worsens and we do destroy our relationships because of overthinking.

We can easily overcome with overthinking;

1.Have a wider Perspective –

One should have a wider perspective on life and life problems. We normally overthink family, relationships, experiences, failures, etc. But it’s not good to overthink problems. Instead one should have a wider perspective. One should think about whether the problem will be until 5 years? 5 months? 5 weeks?? Is it worth to think about the problems? One should rather think about how to overcome problems and face it smartly. Normally we lose our calm and don’t think about solutions. Overthinking adversely affects our mental state of health.

  1. Have a Good Company –

Spend your time with the people who love you the most. They will understand you, guide you, and support you. Don’t ever keep thoughts in mind. Open up your feelings with whom you feel comfortable. One should avoid sharing your problems with people who are negative or make gossips about people. Such people will never inspire or can’t be your role model. By doing so, a person will feel good and think about good experiences, good times. The outcome will the overthinking will be reduced and the person will feel relaxed and focused.

  1. Be Realistic –

In life start being realistic. One should remember that the past can’t be changed. If anything, bad happened in past, just forget it. Don’t overthink what happened in past. Try to forget the past. Living and thinking about the past will surely result in stress, emotional breakdown.  Approach the realistic approach of life.

4. Sports –

Health is our real wealth. One should be physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally fit. It is observed that people who overthink, don’t have much interest in outdoor games. One should go for sports, gym, aerobics classes. The result of engaging yourself in sports or physical activity is attaining balanced emotional life and physical wellbeing. Doing morning yoga and practice meditation surely will result in you moving miles away from stress and overthinking.

  1. Engage yourself in productive work –

Engage yourself in productive work that you love to work. One can make a painting, make a mobile application, craft, etc. this will make you busy and you will not overthink about the situation or any person

6. Eat healthy food –

Food plays a very important role in our life. It does play a vital role in affecting our thinking ability. We should consume healthy foods. It is observed that people who prefer junk foods do have problems with overthinking in life as compared to a person who eats healthy food.

  1. Live and love your passion –

It is very important to live your passion. It simply means do what makes you happy. Passion can be photography, traveling, exploring places, stamp collecting. It will reduce the problem of overthinking to some extent

  1. Forgive people –

The most important way to overcome overthinking is to forgive. Forgive people for their mistakes and move on. Doing so, it will make you free from stress, thinking about people, and make you relax.

It is very important to keep your mental state of health fit. If we will continue thinking about past bad experiences, problems we will certainly not attain our life goals.

Health is Real wealth,

Wealth can be earned,

If you attain good health,

Stop thinking too much

Stay calm, positive

Stay happy, stay fit


By Chandarkant Goyal




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