Time Is Not Mine


                                TIME IS NOT MINE

As thou elapse, mine life gyres;
Sprightly thou sprint, mine life become tires.
A perpetual thou art; mine life so ephemeral
Thou monopolizes mine existence, but I can’t abstain as thee.
An indurate thou art; mine life so dwindle,
As juvenile thou art; the allure of mine life never mingle.
Thou sketch the seasons of life, I even can’t gainsay thee.
Thou exist later the destruction of cosmos, but I wouldn’t live.
                                                                                             -Robinson M

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I'm an effervescent and determined writer. I won an outstanding winner in the International Monomousumi Writing Contest 2021. Also, I won third prize in the International Quarter Writing Contest and I've gotten certificates from Chetan Bhagat. I've even published "Classical medicine to Modern Medicine" book to show how the dimensions have been changed from the ancient era to date in the field of medicine/health sciences.


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