The World We Live in

By Banaja Banashree Rout


The reality of today is what we say it is, what we look at, what we believe, and what we do. If people watch the news and read the newspapers then they must be well aware that today’s reality is that the world has become very insecure and dangerous. Nowadays, many people take advantage of simplicity. This means that we live in a world full of hate and deceit. Many of us just stand aside and disregard what happens around us which is the most important reason behind the harsh reality of today.

Whenever we ask the question about what type of world we live in, we always get the answer that we live in a world where wealth is more important than happiness, where love is hidden and violence is practiced in light, where quantity matters over quality, where the pizza arrives faster than the police, where we have a very long contact list but very short friend list, where truth offends people and lie comforts them, where taking a selfie is more important than saving someone, where we have reached Moon but still hesitate to go to neighbor’s house and where goodness is considered fake and our help is called selfishness.

We live in a world where Equality, Honesty, Love, and Peace are just bookish words but we live in a world where Gautam Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and many other great personalities were born. There is a famous saying that the world we live in, is the world we choose to live in. If we choose happiness, that’s what we get. If we choose misery, we get that too”. This means that the world we live in, is the world we choose to live in, the way we say it is, the way we look at it, what we believe, and what changes we make in this world.

When we look ourselves in the mirror, we realize how time is inexorably running out, and our lives are being consumed. Every day, we see thousands of lives like ours moving to and from like robots, mixing and shaping what we call a society. Throughout years, generations of people like us have been born and have died. It is pretty inevitable to question a few times in life if what mankind has done is worthy of being called evolution or an achievement.

The race of our lives has evolved from an ancient organization, through the discovery of what mother nature has given us on this beautiful planet to a more organized form of living and interacting together, which we call a society. Our lives have also been transformed by the industrial revolution and technology. Technology cultures and ideas like never before. Within seconds, we get to know about the world. 

Technology has brought the world to a new era. We are now heading towards a generation of artificial intelligence where machines have captured human thinking, human behavior, and human emotions. The forms of organizing our societies which we can call politics have changed from absolute theocracies to the feudal system to the first forms of popular democracy. We have passed through many failed experiments and have also suffered from failures that have cost many lives and caused widespread bloodshed. These are the things which tell us about the world we live in.

The famous saying by Mahatma Gandhi, “Non-violence is the best religion” and the famous saying by Swami Vivekananda, “Service to mankind is service to God”, have no impact on the lives of people. The moral of these sayings have now been degraded. The thought of people is now opposite to these sayings. The essence of these words has been buried somewhere in this world.

Just like this world, our life is also not a comfortable bed, it is full of problems. We have to meet the obstacles in our life. Sometimes, the obstacles are also very cruel like this world. We have to try and bring more organizations into our lives as well as into this world. We have to learn from our mistakes and we should move with the proper discipline to reach the pinnacle of glory. So, we should try our best to change our world to work in order. Through all these things, we can make our world, a more beautiful and better place for living.

By Banaja Banashree Rout


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