The Workplace Dialogue: Engaging Gen-Z employees


Amongst ancient and practiced languages being respected and prevailed globally, India now witnesses a new language of its kind. Gen-Z, a topic of love and hate amongst the population, has developed a new communication medium of its own. Though it sounds like a crack code or rather awkward for the millennials, making the workplace comfortable for that age group has always been an obligation.

The clock already starts ticking before we realize that good communication leads to the best outcomes, the problem becomes the lack of efficient communication due to different inferences of that particular language as a whole. It might be only now that the world witnesses one language being spoken in various possible ways, while opinions call it immature to address using a language by modifying it as per self understanding and convenience.

Enabling smooth digital communication:

One need not explain how digitalisation influences the lifestyle followed by the Generation Z. Their day starts, runs and ends on Instagram stories or Snap streaks. A person who does not follow this trend is now termed to be ‘weird’. When two sides of a coin are a must to take a toss, digital communications have had a greater impact on the participation of this generation in contributing their parts towards a better future.

Enabling smooth and feasible digital communications in a workplace can make tasks and assignments fall in place in order in an efficient manner, keeping in mind that Gen-Z’s world revolves around their electronic partners of life. Excel sheets, Google forms, meetings, mails and messages are now officially a part of the new age work routines. Digital communication is inseparable from jobs as work at home is now again an usual aspect of working conditions. Lays, a famous chip company we all know, released ‘WAH’ packets of chips focusing on the work at home population who would like to snack on while working.

Clarity with Transparency:

Smart and Shrewd are terms made to suit Gen-Z with. With a glass-like view on what they expect from the society to respond to their outcomes, expectations are add-ons they give them. Trust issues and friendship cut-offs are major emotional problems faced by the Gen-Z. The generations prior would have never imagined peeping into a piece of electronic gadget owned by their friends or partners on the basis of trust or loyalty.

All that they look up to is honesty in every activity they are involved in. Not knowing whom to trust and having a suspicious or ‘sus’ eye on everyone they come across has always been an insecurity in a third person’s perspective. Providing a Gen-Z born employee clarity with transparency in their workspace, on their work assignments and their outcomes are very crucial on how they react to being comfortable with that particular entity, his/her higher officials and colleagues.

Frequent and Valuable Feedback Sessions:

Approaching a higher official or an elderly person is usually seeking knowledge through their experience. Feedbacks are the most unique feature on that basis.

The fact that an elderly experienced higher official can identify and rectify the mistakes a fresher or a junior might commit being primary, they would never let the mistakes they committed affect the career of a budding flower is secondary. Though, very often feedback might irritate the generation that swims in the sea of mood swings, the right things falling at the right place, at the right time are usually driven by a force that had previously crossed the same path.

Inclusivity and Extroverts

Among Introverts, Extroverts and Ambiverts, being a social person has been very important to survive amidst various kinds of creatures the humankind has produced in the name of urbanization. To psychologically balance professional and personal lives in a workplace, being an extrovert to the maximum possible is quite important.

Inclusivity is a tough topic to discuss indeed. Finding gangs and gossips is a common factor that has been prevailing in and around the world for quite a decent time. Even though people and help groups tried changing to improve the livelihoods of people, nobody even tried to make them understand and change their motive to talk behind or exclude people by judging them on a random basis.

Mental Health Awareness:

Mental Health is always an ‘on trend’ topic to be spoken about. It is either somebody in depression or anxiety or them putting someone else in them. It is fair enough to probably say that psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists are millionaires and manufacturers and distributors of antidepressants are billionaires. Well, cutting it short, there are reasons in every single bit of a day in a Gen-Z’s life to put him/her down. Emotional stability and support now have a price. It is either give help, take help or pay for a counseling session. One has no clue what has an after or side effect but momentary happiness and stress relief has become a priority.

When long-term vision and thinking died, that is right when a stable mental health went to stake. A concerned workplace must abide by an employee’s mental ability to handle deadlines and workload and respect it. Facing a lot of workplace pressure has become the new normal now which is not something Gen-Z must be proud about.

Future Proofing

It is essential for workplaces to trust and empower their employees, irrespective of their age. Though, this realization is an eye opener for the previous generation on the current and the current for the forthcoming as we know that changes are the only constant. This is indeed a learning that we can see a lot more coming which may or may not match with the follow of the previous generation of that particular time period. Following the requirements and needs of the budding flower may let the blossomed help them bloom with brilliant colors and vibrance.

~ S Keerthana Manasswini

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