The Social Literacy of Mental Health: Communication and its Benefits

By Amiel Ivan E. Diano


As someone who adheres to mental health campaigns, this topic has made me realize that I could anchor my knowledge to help save and redirect people’s lives. Health activities and monitoring have become optimally integrated into our lives, without needing much effort and mental bandwidth.  Mental health stigma has been such a concurrent issue since we’ve been confined in our homes. Reports of suicides, self harm, and depression have shattered the public news as to how it escalated quickly.

It has been said that every 40 seconds, a person dies from suicide: the pandemic was pointed out as the center core behind each and every person’s demise. Extensive transformations were perceived as to how people talk about mental health. Depression and anxiety swiftly turned from unspoken things, to pervasive hashtags that captured the attention of people all over the world. Out of the blue, it sparked dynamic changes as to how society labels mental health. Nowadays, society has provided us with systematic call-to-action for people enduring mental health diseases.  Citizens, victim or not, should bring out their innate compassion in times like this: to be a voice, an image of hope, and an avenue of diamond for people. 

 Gathering information pertaining to mental health was quite a difficult thing to do. You validate the infos written and you have to be precise in foregathering knowledge. It was then said that thirteen percent of the world suffers different mental health disorders. The website accentuated the fact that the USA, Colombia, Netherlands, and Ukraine take up most of the percentage indicated. These four countries share the same percentage of two percent, with the remaining three percent shared around the globe.

Supplementarily, it is a prerequisite action that the government has to do in order to provide their citizens with safe and quality environments. The addition of lockdowns and mandatory quarantine in communities has taken a toll in each and every person’s sanity. However, what should we or sectors do to still have that fun while being in our homes? Personally, the most concrete answer I could give is communication. With communication, we engage in social interactions even if it is not done physically. By communicating with others we channel our feelings and we are able to feel free to express our thoughts. Communication can be done with different platforms of technology like Facebook, Instagram, or even Zoom.

One news article indicated that people who suffer from mental health disorders get partially healed by talking to their friends. With a whopping ninety-two percent  efficiency rate, it is no doubt that communication is indeed compelling. How can the government aid in things like communication, you ask? Well, I think that the government should provide people with strong internet connections, apps, and education. Education that will teach citizens on how to interact with ease  and use these applications safely.

One of the many reasons why I also chose communication rather than social media is because it safeguards us from negativity. Instead of scrolling through social media endlessly, we open ourselves to others. With the negativity that social media has speared, it is too detrimental for people, especially the sensitive ones. Communication is vital for someone to sustain and survive in an atrocity like this.  

The amount of deaths that this pandemic has caused is too heavy to even comprehend. It was estimated by the National Institute of Health that fourteen point three percent of deaths worldwide are caused by these mental health disorders. 

These deaths are all attributable to disorders like: anxiety disorders, Bipolarism, Depression, dissociative disorders, eating disorders and the others. Researchers from different countries gather data and soon conclude that mental health disorders rank among the most substantial causes of death globally. 

 A sound mental health is just as important as an increasing economy. People help the government in running their economy by buying goods and services. While in return, the government provides people with structured and methodical systems. But in my perception it seems like the government hasn’t done enough to reciprocate the contribution that the citizens have offered. In this case; a surmounting rise of mental health disorders, it should be the government who develops hope and compassion for each and every citizen.

With the percentages presented by researchers, it is rightful for us to help and educate people about the importance of mental health. Globalizations, government, and social movements should be promptly utilized in rampant issues like this. The addition of altruism could still be a helping hand in eradicating this conflict that we are facing. Fostering a tolerable society for everyone is a must. Creating campaigns encourage people to magnify their voices. It stimulates and recalibrates their thoughts to the right track; to avoid getting trapped in that inextricable wire. 

                                                                      Authored by

                                                                                Amiel Ivan E. Diano


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