The Ramayana

By Virat Chauhan


Books are my best companion. It not only enhances my knowledge but also in the text of books when, I go through the books as well. Books are of various kinds but to my opinion the ethical books are more important than others. I have formed reading the ethical books as a hobby.

The Ramayana which has been written by the greatest poet Goswami Tulsidas in the form of Ramcharitmanas is known as the best creation of his. it was important not only in the past but also for all the ages to come. The Ramcharitmanas which depicts the life of Lord Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata,and Shatrughana is the picture of co-ordination which is badly needed for our society of now.

In the materialistic age , it has crumbled our society into pieces and the book The Ramcharitmanas can be used as a unifying bond in this regard. The Ramcharitmanas is a holy book which inspires us as to how we can make our life peaceful and joyful. This book is also regarded as the victory of good over evil .

It depicts the life of an ordinary man Rama who was considered to be an incarnation of God appears in the holy book as a simple man. His behaviour shows that what should be the relation between father and son, husband and wife , brothers and sisters, and between man to man. It teaches us the basic teachings of our life .

The Associates of Rama who were mostly monkeys help Rama and with the help of these animals he got victory over Ravana who was a monster King . it shows that animals are also our friends. they also help us at the time of adversity .

This book also depicts sacrifice, when Rama under the pressure of kaikai had to leave Ayodhya to the forest is a system of humble sacrifice. Even he could refuse it but he couldn’t refuse .He followed the advice given by her which could be termed as a very very humble sacrifice.

As has been said “where there is sacrifice there is God. “After coming from Lanka after 14 years of exile he abandoned his wife Sita whom he loved much. she was also very pious lady and without saying a single word she left the state just to satisfy the wish of the people. Even Rama was forced to separate his wife and his children which was an act of great sacrifice.

we can take various teachings from the holy book Ramcharitmanas that are the bonded and behaviour with different persons ,the respect of animals and considering them as our friends, great sacrifices etc. All these are very very important in one’s life and if we adopt these very behaviour and behave like the behaviour of Rama’s behaviour he too would be considered as the God in the world of now.

Not to say of the teachings there are various other things in this book which I like the most. the beautiful rich text and sentence formation by the very poet and author Tulsidas .the rich literature and the day-to-day teachings of behaviour are the two key points which I like the most .

The author of this book Goswami Tulsidas was the devotee of Lord Rama he wrote various books in Sanskrit and avadhi. he thought that the teachings of the holy book Ramayana should be given to the common people so he wrote the Ramcharitmanas which became very very popular among the common people .

He was born on 13th of August 1532 at soron at town of Kasganj district Uttar Pradesh. his famous literary works include gitavali ,sandeepni, Janaki Mangal etc. he was one of the greatest poets of all times and ages ….

One more and one of the most common feature of this holy book is that we should respect our elders and should always follow the rules are the orders as given by them .Rama who was said to be an incarnation of God always did this . He went to 14 years of exile on the saying of his elders . he ate the Jujube plum of Mata Shabari and always respected the person much who was elder than him .

These are some of the numerous features of this holy book of Ramcharitmanas. It is an excellent book to read with all the day-to-day experience, teachings and others. it is a very interesting and the war scene of this book between Rama and Ravana is beyond description .thus, I request all to read this book as all the books are very important and one should read as much books as he can and dwell it as a hobby.

                                                                       Authored By

                                                                                         Virat Chauhan


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