The Invention that Changed Our lives- The Wheel


Can we move without wheel?
Transportation is an indispensable part of our life. There are a lot of reasons for which we travel sometimes it is for a business meeting or a religious ceremony and sometimes just for the sake of refreshment. Travel is not just a movement from one place to another rather a process which brings different countries which have different customs and traditions together and which links them to transform this huge world into to a big village and all the credit for transportation goes to the wheel, from a small tricycle to long trains even aero plane, every vehicle have and needs a wheel, you can not exclude ships from this definition as the captain of ship rotates the helm which is ultimately in the shape of a typical wheel, that’s why we say, “World is on wheels”.
Life without wheel
Earlier men thought that earth is flat like a paper. If they will go to the end they will fall. This reflection restricted travel of people for many years. Gradually, they realized the fact of true figure of earth so they started to move from there habitats, in search of better life and settlements. Trade also flourished during that time. In absence of wheel man carried heavy weights on back. They used to travel long distances on foot.
Laying the foundation of a great discovery
Hundreds of year ago before the invention of wheel, some human misfortunately stepped on an unstable wooden log. He discovered that a round object reduces friction with the ground and it is easier and faster to roll than to walk. The inevitability of this moment of clarity explains the ancient ubiquity of rollers, which are simply logs put underneath heavy objects. But these aren’t terribly efficient, because they have to be replaced as they were uncontrollable.
The amusement is that the oldest wheel ever discovered is not on a wagon or cart, but instead on a potter’s wheel in Mesopotamia around 3500 B. C. E. Invented by, almost everywhere it is mentioned that, an early man but name cannot be found anywhere.
Wheel used in pottery made this art easier and faster. When cart was used as mode of transporting heavy items they used to slide it. Then a thought struck in their mind that this wheel can also be used in cart to transport bulky goods which led to this great invention.
Throughout the history, most of the inventions were inspired by mother nature like aeroplane from birds but wheel is 100% Homo sapien innovation. Wheel was popular since the time of famous king Ashoka The Great known as Ashoka Chakra. How we can forget that the pride of our nation, the Indian Flag, also has a blue wheel in its centre with 24 spokes and the Charkha that Gandhi promoted was also in shape of wheel, isn’t it?
Wheel everywhere
Nowadays, no matter how technology develops be it a driverless car or a fully automatic aeroplane still we have never found anything wheel less.
Invention of wheel is popularly considered a revolutionary as well as mother of many other discoveries like even imagination of many vehicles in dreams had been impossible without wheels.
Wheels are not only circular rounds under a vehicle but also as a source of inspiration to move independently for a physically challenged person on a wheelchair who on being on wheelchair can also establish new records.
Materials used in Wheel
Discussion of wheel majorly consists of types of materials used in its formation. In the stone age wheels were also made up of stone but they were bit heavier and required a lot of human efforts. After many trials we have came to present day with wooden wheel usually found under bullock cart and a rubber wheel called as tyre under almost all vehicles moving around us. Shape and size of wheel depends upon the size and use of vehicle for example a truck has wider tyres. Many scientists believed
that wider tyres of trucks and buses were made to decrease the pressure on land.
You know wheel has created a large employment in industrial sector and has given birth to many industries like auto mobile industry.
As everything needs modification same is with wheel. Due to advancement in science and technology many researchers have transformed wheel into very innovative designs. For example
tyre company Pirelli has introduced a Bluetooth speaker in design of its famous wind tunnel model.

Scientists at Harvard John A.Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a new rubber material that is tough and also is capable of self-healing means if any sharp object has produced a cut on tyre then the tyre will heal on itself while driving.

The unique wheel created by Andrea Mocellin, a German designer, has been designed in such a way that it can be easily folded into a third of its original size and locked safely into position. This unique tyre is called as Revolve which is a 26 inch airless tyre.

Softwheel company has created wheels that can be adapted to work on bicycles , wheelchairs and cars to provide shock and vibration absorbing tyres a relief for all users.

In the last I would like to just thank God that he had gave us such a nice thought to develop this great thing. Which has made our life so easy and although fast.




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