By Simrat Kaur


Health has been called the greatest wealth of life. Good health is the way to good life. If the money comes out of the hands, it can be earned again, but if the health comes out of the hands then it cannot be made again. If a person is healthy, then he can get everything in life, but if he is not healthy, then every kind of situation in life becomes useless. That is why it is important that a person keeps his health in mind. A person who gives more importance to his health than his money and other things, is always happy in life and is also on his way. A healthy body is the way to a healthy mind.

If you pass a good healthy life, then you can get the basis of all happiness. You can buy any item with money but can never     buy good health. Suppose you have all the things in the world but do not have a good health, what will you do? There are many things in this, which is of no use to you. If you have good health, then you can get anything in the world very easily and can use and take advantage of it. Money has no value in front of good health.

It is easy to create bad habits but it is very difficult to eliminate them and move towards a healthy lifestyle. The importance of a healthy lifestyle is often emphasized, but many people do not take it seriously. Even those who plan to follow it to improve their lives often have fewer numbers because there is a lot of determination to do so. Instead of doing one thing at a time, try to take several steps at once. This will help you in achieving your goal in a given time period. It is explained how to further develop healthy habits and follow a healthy lifestyle.

To get a good health, you should avoid these habits –

Junk food

Most of the time, junk food has become a religion these days. It is time to cut down on your junk food intake and discuss healthy eating. This will not only keep you healthy but will also help you get a good shape.

Leaning towards means

Most people these days stick to their mobile screens. This is another unhealthy habit that you should kick immediately. This is also something you should avoid, watching too much TV or spending too much time on a laptop.

Skip meals

Many people are so engrossed in their work these days that they even give up their food. Usually in the morning, most people are more busy and during that time, most people have a tendency to skip breakfast to accommodate other tasks. This is the worst punishment you are giving your body.

Eat more pills

Many people find an easy way to get rid of their mental and physical pain and that is pain relief pills. Pain relievers work best for such people, but there is a need to understand why they cause serious side effects by providing only temporary relief.

Time to follow healthy habits

Now that you know the habits that you should avoid, then you should work to live a healthy lifestyle. Here are some things that can work for you in this direction, get support from family and friends, limit your contact with people who indulge in unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking, positive facts about healthy lifestyle Remind yourself, went with people who are following your healthy lifestyle like you, follow your hobbies and interests during your free time so that you don’t have time to get into unhealthy habits, endorphins. Do physical exercises to promote growth, this is a great way to reduce stress and its negative consequences.

For good health, it is important that you eat fruits, green vegetables, cereals, etc., and also use dairy products like curd milk daily. Today’s youth and children are more attracted towards fast food and this is the reason that they suffer from health related diseases and problems like obesity. For a good health, it is necessary to have a good routine. A good routine keeps the person away from stress.

We all know that the body is a machine which is engaged in completing our given work. But you must have also heard that everything is bad. If we keep taking care of our health without taking care of our body, then one day it will stop working and we will start feeling unwell. Therefore, it is important that we focus on keeping our health and our mind right.

If a person loses money, then He can fix it in due time, but if someone’s health worsens, it is very difficult to get him back. There is a kind of positivity and goodness in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and everyone should try to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining proper routines, avoiding junk foods, exercising, keeping away from cell phones and communicating with people in real life are ways to start a healthy lifestyle.

Having a healthy lifestyle is not just about having a proper physique. It is more about mental peace and purity, which helps a person to focus on his work and helps him to flourish in his field. Our body is our temple, and leading a healthy lifestyle is the least we can do to honor the beautiful life of our lives.

Health is the biggest wealth in this world and no one can disagree with it. Therefore, for better health, we need to make some changes in our lifestyle. For a healthy lifestyle, we need to control four things and they are food, fitness, habits and sleep. Here we will see in detail one by one, what changes we have to make in these 4 things –


Eating healthy means that it does not mean that you should have boiled vegetables, leafy salad. Because if you suddenly change your diet, then you will follow it for a few days only. But later again you will return to your normal menu. Because you don’t like that change at all. So just make a little change in your dream diet. For example, wedge salad is in your food. You can add salt, pepper, some flavored herbs and curd to it. This will become a mouthwatering meal. In this way you need to plan everything. Do not take large amounts of foods at once. Take small portions at times. This is what most dieticians will tell you. Do not think about calories while eating.

Instead you need to think about the nutritional values in that food. If it is a nutrient rich food then you can take it without any worry, if you are attending any party or not going to the restaurant then do not leave your choice. Eat whatever you want, do not compromise on your favorite food. But according to that day, plan the leftover food accordingly. That day will balance your diet. Avoid packaged food, as instant food and processed food are not good for health. It is recommended to make your meal with lots of vegetables and grains. Make a habit of consuming whole grains, brown rice.

Also change your cooking method, do not deep fry your vegetables or food, try stir frying instead. Use the grill to cook. Taking dry fruits, nuts and juice in your breakfast will make you feel very light throughout the day. Last but not least drink plenty of water. Take 6 -8 glasses of water per day.


Here fitness means not only physical fitness but also mental fitness. Because if you are in a sick mood, then you are not able to do any work despite being physically fit. Therefore, balancing the two will give you happiness. For physical fitness you can go to gym, yoga or dance. Go for anything but practicing it for 20 minutes a day will make you feel fit. Exercising daily helps in controlling your weight because you are burning too many calories while exercising. Whenever you do not get time to exercise, think of alternative remedies. Don’t use the lifts and take the stairs instead. You can try and do your workouts late in the evening instead of the time of day. Exercise will change your mood and it improves your immune system. Proper exercise helps you get a sound sleep which will rejuvenate your body for the next day. Do not exercise at home instead of going to gym, yoga center or any other social place. Because if you exercise alone you will get bored after a few days and you will stop your workout. Try to have fun in workouts that will help you hit the gym. Also, try to do different types of exercises with only one method. Meditate for 10 minutes daily which will improve your mental fitness. Meditation improves your concentration level. Try to increase the time of meditation during the days.

It is rightly said that : 
“Your body is your most precious
And priceless possession.
Take care of it”


Sleep is very important for good health. Getting enough sleep in the right time will make your day happy, having good sleep helps you to improve your memory and innovative thinking. The physical activities you do will also determine your sleep. If you do more physical activities then you will get sound sleep. Do not sleep late at night. Get to bed early and wake up early for fresh oxygen, if you have a problem sleeping, like in that case don’t sleep at the right time, drink some warm milk and try another one, if you feel stressed, go to bed. Put two pieces of cucumber on your eyes for 5 minutes before leaving. You will be relieved.
“Healthy mind and Healthy body = Healthy life.”

Food is very essential to live. The food that we eat contains 5 nutrients. These are also called components of food. These components are important for growth of the body. The food we eat daily is called our diet. A diet which contain all nutrients in proper amount is called a balanced diet. Balanced diet is very important for growth and maintenance of the body. It makes the body healthy and fit.

It takes some time to develop a healthy lifestyle, especially if you are suffering from the unhealthy habits mentioned above. The task may not be easy but it definitely  Would be worth it with. If you are planning to set things right, then this is not the time to stop and start now.

“A healthy lifestyle not
only changes your body,
it changes your mind,
your attitude and your mood.”

                                                                     Authored by

                                                                                      Simrat Kaur


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