Everyone believes that a well timed positive word can change a day. Day to day in our life without keeping a count we communicate with many people around the world for a very low cost. A modern man makes use of wonderful inventions telephone is one of them.

In 1876, when telephone was invented it used to charge $9 for 5 minutes but later it kept on decreasing to $5(maximum)

The progress of telecommunication was initially started with the invention of a telephone which now evolved into smart phone. Now let’s get to know how telephone was invented and the details.

If you question who invented telephone? More than 50% of world’s population will answer Alexander Graham Bell. In 1796, the term telephone was coined and invented by Gottfried Huth and was initially termed at telephon but it was alternative to the optical graph. In 1874, telephone was invented by Antony Meucci due to lack of money he couldn’t renew the patent.

In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell discovered a telephone which became popular and since than telephon came into existence. From the time Bell was young he was interested in discoveries and inventions. At the age of 12 he invented a de husking machine which operated for a very long time in his friend in his friend’s mill.

At the age of 15 Bell moved from canada to London for higher education. Since then Bell has been experimenting to built a strong telecommunication device.

Initially he used electric current after experimenting he set up a telegraph wire from his college room to another building.

Later that year Bell accompanied his father to do demonstration on speech innovations including sign language and lip reading techniques.

In late 1867 Bell along with his father had created a laboratory and had performed several experiments and created several techniques that wear getting attention of speech experts from all over the country

In 1870 Bell became a professor but don’t stop traveling and teaching. Later that year his health had a serious effect which forced him to stop teaching and travelling.

In 1876 Bell was able to transmit sounds using a needle vibrating in water and the patent was granted on March 7th in United States under “Transmitters and receivers for Electric Telegraphs” three days later he and associate thomes Watson successfully tested their invention.

After getting the patent he along with bankers offered it to western union but was rejected as a useless toy.

From a water device to a Phone in our pockets. From telephon to smartphone telecommunication has made a major change from 1970s to 2012.

While many people would wonder who was the first person to take the first step to success from water device to automatic telephon. He was often know as strowger (Almon B Strowger) for whom we should all be grateful.

Between 1970s to 1980s we pampers ourselves with touch tone dailing and cordless phones which where bulky  yet too expensive. Caller ID (invented by Shirley Ann Jackson) and VOIP(voice over internet protocol)calling invented by Alon Cohen were also discovered in the same year.

But for a second we all would wonder how it became popular and a profitable business . In 1990 the release of IBM Simon made customers discover the benifits and it’s worth to spend the money on telephone .

In 2000s VOIP  technology has widely expanded into buisness and apps like skype attracted the customers to purchase telephone. From that period till now telecommunication was on a major roller coaster ride.

In 2012,  with the release of of iPhone 4s with Siri and apple iOS6 maps and passbook it caught everyone’s attention and the model ended on a profitable note.

In 2020 there were 14.02 billion types of smartphones. In 2019 1.52 billion units of smartphones were sold world wide. This means more 19% of world’s population bought a new phone in 2019. By the end of 2021 sale are expected to increase to 37%. According to GMS Association ( global system for Mobile communication) real time intelligence data there are 5.25 billion people that have a mobile device in the word that means that 67.04% of the world population has mobile device.

In future mobile phones are likely to get implanted in human body. Open AI company owned by Elon Musk and many other companies are working to link our brain to our smartphone using microchips.

Telephones are very convenient to exchange information , connect to people who are far away and many more but we can also missuse it . Now a days telephone in emergency can save your life like a life guard. We all hope hope that telecommunications technology gets more advanced and have a bright future.







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