Tale of the Half Burnt Witch

By Sucheta Halder


I run as fast as my feet can take me through the muddy path. In spite of the ominous darkness around me, I couldn’t stop; I knew they were after me.

For each sound, my brain jumps to the most fearsome thing it could be and my body prepares for flight, fright, or freeze. Helpless, I walk on, my feet dragging noisily on the carpet of lifeless leaves, deeper into the forest, each step triggering a rush of pain in my chest.

It was a joyful day. I was out with my lover for a picnic. We laughed and giggled lying on the soft grass with sunshine streaming down on our faces. The day seemed too good to be true.

I rest my back against a tree as I slide down against it to catch my breath. They are getting closer. Suddenly, I hear the rustling of leaves from behind me. Adrenaline floods my system; it beats like it’s trying to escape. My body wants to either run fast for safety or to hide with bated breath, but instead, I remain where I am. Let’s face it, there is really only one thing I can do: Pray no one kills me. My adrenaline surges so fast I almost vomit, I can feel the beads of sweat trickling down my brow. The footsteps behind me are getting closer but I am frozen in my spot.

If only had I not done that? I can only regret my choices now.

The footsteps stopped. I was growing more anxious now. My whole body shook, bones rattling in the constant fear of the future that loomed before me. Nervous, I peep from behind the tree.

There they stood- pale and lifeless. They look cold but the burning rage in their eyes is enough to send my heart hammering against my ribcage. I couldn’t breathe; it feels as if someone is choking me.

They soullessly began searching here and there trying to find any trail, which would lead them to me. I had nowhere to run. All I could do was sit and wait for them to disappear with the mist so that I could escape.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. Before I could react, a strong hand yanked my hair pulling me to my feet and started dragging me back towards the village. I scream and try to pry its hands off my hair but it only grabbed stronger.

I can’t go back there, they’ll kill me.

With vigorous steps, he kept dragging me back to the village and threw me against a wall. My head ached from the collision but when I opened my eyes my breath stopped.

I knew these people, but they look dead- as if they had their soul extracted from their body. Their deep-set eyes stared back at me with hatred and disgust. I knew I had no escape but I couldn’t give up. I tried running; pushed a few out of my way so that I could retreat back to the woods but they grabbed me by the feet and led me to the pyre; where they burnt my lover.

Oh! How magical it was in the morning. I remember he laid his head on my lap and we talked about the gleeful days to come. Tears spring into my eyes. All I want to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save me but no one will. A choked cry for help forced itself up my throat, and I feel tears trickle down my cheek.

It seems as if this was the end of the road for me.

I could still see remnants of his flesh scorching in the flames of the pyre. The onlookers were fascinated by this, and they were waiting till the last bit of flesh would burn down so that they can celebrate purity being returned to the village. The flames that consumed demanded everything become ashes, the heat radiating outward as anger, and the destruction a terrible joy.

We are their sacrifice, to the Almighty. Sacrifice for walking in the village with our tainted souls. We are at fault for polluting our souls by trying to mingle without anybody’s knowledge. Of course, our life decisions aren’t ours to make!

The village panchayat comes and stands in front of me. Even through my tear-filled eyes, I could see his cruel, detestable, disturbing smile in a permanent sinister snarl. Sunken, milky white eyes stared with mindless menace into mine. I know he won’t let me be

“Burn that Witch!” He ordered.

I feel the last of hopes slip past me as I hear encouraging shouts and screams. I didn’t want to fight anymore. I was tired and I can’t escape.

The pyre was blazing with fire and I can see how I would die in it. But I can’t muster up the courage to leave the world. Fighting was a lot easier for me than giving up. My breaths came in sharp pants and I tried to gain control.

They tied my hands and led me to the pyre. People all around are shouting, almost rejoicing raising their sticks in the air.

I am scared, so scared but I can’t die like this. The village panchayat himself grabbed my arm and pushed me into the roaring fire. Colours of red, yellow, and orange danced around me slowly consuming my flesh.

My screams echoed through the village as much as their cheer bellowed.

Even through the burning, I know I can’t give up, I promised him I would live. His smiling face flashed in front of me and then the image of his burning body in the pyre.

Tears gush out of my face as I felt the fire on my skin burning my clothes. I struggle out of the loosely tied rope around my hand.

And then all hell broke loose.

I step out of the fire with staggering but sure movements. This time you won’t have me. The village panchayat tried grabbing me and throwing me back again but I was prepared. I clutched the knife he had in his pocket and stabbed him in the neck with all my force. Gasps and screams were heard as I threw his bloodied body on the ground.

Nobody else came near me. And then I saw it.

There was fear in their eyes. They are scared of me; just how I was scared of them when they mocked me.

A cynical laugh bubbled in my throat.

I roar in laughter slightly wincing from the throbbing pain the burns were inflicting on my skin. I kept on laughing.

Oh, how the tables have turned!

I was indeed a witch.



By Sucheta Halder



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