Spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex with someone else


Have you ever dreamed of your ex(boy or girl) with someone else ? Did you wonder why ? Have you suddenly developed superpowers so that you can see remote happenings ? Is it the future ? These and many other questions are likely to occur to us if we have such a dream. Or perhaps the question that will come to mind is, ‘Why ?’,    ‘Why??!!’ Especially so if the break-up or separation was painful. Why do I remember him/her ? Why do they still appear in my dreams ? I am writing this article in an attempt to find answers to these questions.

It can be really difficult to let go and move on after a relationship break-up, especially if that relationship was deep or lasted  long time. Dreams are projections of our subconscious minds working on the thoughts and feelings we have left unfinished while awake. The dreams can be projections of best or worst case scenarios of what might have happened if you carried on with the relationship. There are suggestions that the dreams can have special spiritual meanings as well.


In an article , it has been suggested that dreaming about your ex with someone else can represent a connection between the astral plane and physical reality, in which we a visiting a different dimension to get ideas about our progress in life. Unresolved emotions are associated with the ‘ex’ and so you might be travelling to another realm to try and process difficult memories through this other perspective, a reminder to accept the pain, if any, in your quest for inner peace and for continued personal growth.

If you dream about someone who looks like your ex but is not your ex particularly, it may mean that you have to focus on your self-love and feeling of worthiness after the loss that you are feeling in their absence. It could also mean that you feel jealous of their new life after breaking up with you or that you feel that you are unable to do as well in life as them.

Certain Native American tribes believe in ‘soul contracts’ that play a part in real life in reunifying couples who have been separated by death in previous lives or straining relationships due to pending karmic debt from previous lifetimes.

In an another article it has been suggested that dreaming about your ex with someone else can have many spiritual meanings:

  1. Desire for closure: Dreaming about your ex with someone else could mean that you require to heal and have a subconscious desire to find closure and move on from the relationship.
  2. Sign of Introspection: If you are dreaming about your ex, it could also be a sign of your own growth and introspection after the trauma of the break-up. It might mean that you have accepted that the relationship is over and are willing to explore and form new relationships.
  3. Learned lessons and possibilities of growth: Dreaming about your ex with someone else can mean that you have learned lessons of value from the relationship and are ready to move on to new and hopefully more fulfilling and longer lasting relationships.
  4. Receiving Guidance from Heaven: Dreams about your ex with someone else can be messages from God or your guiding spirits to let go of negative emotions connected to your past relationship and progress on your spiritual path.

Biblical meaning of seeing your ex with someone else

It has been suggested that dreams hold great importance and can serve as communication and guidance from God. The biblical interpretations can be:

  1. That you seek to close the chapter and heal: Dreaming about your ex with someone else can mean that you are looking to close the chapter on the relationship and heal so that you can move on. You might have some lingering emotions or some work left to do. It has been suggested in the Bible that we should always forgive ourselves and others and reconcile with whatever has happened.
  2. Progress and growth in life: Dreaming about your ex with someone else may also suggest that you need to grow personally and leave the past behind. You should use these dreams to learn from the past and progress on the path that God has set for you.
  3. Trust that God has a plan for you: If you dream of your ex with someone else it can be a reminder that you should trust that God has a plan for you and things are going according to it. Even if you are hurting after a break-up, have faith that God has a greater plan for you, and God’s plans are always for your good.
  4. Sign for you to pray for guidance: If you find dreaming about your ex with someone else disturbing, you should pray for proper guidance. You should pray for the ability to understand the deeper meaning behind these dreams. God is always able and willing to help us when need and seek it.


Dreaming about your ex can be painful and confusing. It can hold great spiritual meaning. It can mean that you still have unresolved feelings towards him or her.  They might mean many things. They can indicate a desire to move on, that you have been transferred to an alternate plane, need for introspection and, according to the Bible it is a sign that we need to move on and also that we need to pray and trust in God. We have come to the end of our article. I hope that you have found some answers to why you are still dreaming bout your ex. Bye and happy dreaming…


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