
By  Gungun Batham


 Being optimist is a quality of human being. An optimistic mind seeks for opportunities. It overlooks the short comings of things. It is attractive to people and it is a trait that everyone aspires to have. A positive mind focuses more on finding solutions of glitches. Whereas, a pessimistic mind seeks for snag rather than finding solutions for it. It sees the limitations in everything and neglect the opportunities that knocks its door. It tends to fall towards the more negative aspect of life. It is the kind of attitude that most people don’t aspires to have. A positive or a healthy mind i.e. an optimistic mind is more capable of achieving the peaks than a negative or an unhealthy mind. So, is sometimes being cynical, good for a healthy living?

Thinking directly affects the health of an individual. Sometimes being cynical is good for health. But not always, as a pessimistic one always focuses on the flaws or weakness and talks negatively. Thus, never gets contented by the things and as a result they were never able to attain happiness. On the contrary, being optimistic bring happiness and health both hand in hand. Mentally unfit is a sign of weakness which leads to stress. It also leads to Hypertension and High Blood Pressure. Like in japan, a country where time is so important that their train is also delayed for not more than a few seconds. There public is fit but not mentally. Mostly, people die there because of stress. Traumas and stress lead to cardiac diseases and today in this era there are more cases of people dying because of heart diseases such as heart attack. Also not taking proper intake could lead to certain problems. Like if ghee is consumed more often, it results in blockage of the blood capillaries. Also, the reasons for unhealthy body can be because of the change in environment or it can be because of hereditary trait example tuberculosis, diabetes etc. But being mentally ill is seen as, the one facing it, is mad and unproductive. There are sundry whys and wherefores for this, which affects the physical health of an individual.


There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you​.

    ~ Maya Angelou


Illness can also be because of something which is unsaid and is in someone’s mind. Health is a chest of money and so we should take care of it. Appropriate measures should be taken to improve it. Doing self-meditation is one such method. It is articulated that, “no one can take better care of you than yourself”. Try self-treatment for the illness which can be cured at home by yourself. Example, massage therapy for arthritis is more effective, herbal teas and therapy are available for providing benefit for certain illness. If done properly creates less burden on health care system as there are not much health care centers in rural areas and also saves money. Consistent exercise and meditation help you in doing this. Take care of ourselves, don’t over burden and over stress. Oprah Winfrey, an American host. She had very bad experiences in her childhood. She was abused by her cousin and uncle. She became pregnant at the age of 14 but her premature son died. Then she resilience from all this and became a millionaire at the age of 32. Resilience yourself from the situation that is bad for your mental as well as physical health. As mental health truly affects the physical part. A person who has abs is not the true definition for being healthy. That person may be mentally unfit. Fitness is not only from the outside body but from inside body too. In japan to cure mental illness, a practice is done. People sit at a silent place after completing their work in evening with a cup of coffee or tea. They sit there for two to three hours to set themselves free from the stress with drinking only a single cup of tea. There is much silence there, that one can hear the sound of drinking tea. Hereditary diseases can also be cured by taking care of one’s immunity so as to improve immunity power to fight against the hereditary trait. 

What appears to be calamities are often the source of fortune.

    ~ Benjamin Disraeli

Yoga is one such practice which immunizes the body. As yoga is not associated to any religion or community or belief. Instead it is a science which emphases on promoting internal well-being. With the rising competition and stress in today’s world. It has become necessary to make yoga as a part of daily life. It provides tranquility to the soul, offers greater awareness towards life and helps in weight loss. It is the best way to release all stress, anxiety and pressure. Also, it provides better posture and flexibility to body which will assist us in present as well as in future too. 

                                                                    Authored By

                                                                                    Gungun Batham


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