Self Control– The Superpower of 21st Centuary



Life is not easy. It throws choices your way every second. Consciously or subconsciously, we are always choosing to do something and leaving the other alternative. And a lot of times we make choices we regret. But there is one way to overcome this situation. One superpower, which exists in the human world but very few can wield it. The ability to control oneself.

Self Control

How often does it happen that we say things to someone which we should not have said? How many times have we spent more than our budget just for momentary pleasures? And of course, at some point in our lives we feel that if we had just worked a bit harder we could have achieved something more significant. The answer to all these questions lies with the individual himself/herself. Philosophers often say “You are the solution to all your problems.”

Although it is true that to a large extent we are responsible for what happens in our lives, we often walk down the wrong path simply because the right one is too hard to follow. It requires immense will power to step back and go in the right direction. Very few people can exercise that much self control. Hence, it is as good as a super power.

Effects of the Super Power

If I had the ability to control myself, I believe it would radically change my world. I would be able to choose the harder path whenever I need to. My performance in all aspects of life would improve. People would start seeing me with respect because of my will power and the things I achieve with it.

On a personal level, I would no longer shy away from studies or from work. I would be able to dedicate my one hundred percent to my tasks without being distracted by my smart phone, TV, or any other gadget. Reading good books would allow me to enhance my knowledge. I would practise yoga and exercise regularly to stay physically fit and mentally active. I would train myself to eat right and healthy instead of the junk food which is not good for health. Bit by bit, I will start improving my skills by working harder rather than being laid back.

When we consider my social life, my mind will be unfazed by people I do not go along with very well. They may make fun of me, say bad things about me, use abusive language with me but I will not pay any attention. As for my friends, there might be times when we get upset with each other. But I will not let my ego ruin my friendships. I will take the first step with no second thought and reach an understanding with them.

At the time of conflict or emergency, my self-control will help me come out of it. While others will panic, I will be able to keep myself calm and stay rational. It will also help me make sensible and logical decisions as I will not let emotions and temptations drive me.

Building Self Control

The kind of self-control described in the above lines is, just like every super power, imaginary. Most people can exercise self-control only to a certain extent. Scientists describe it as a muscle. The more you try to control yourself, the more you feel depleted, because choosing the harder path every time tends to get draining. But there are a few ways through which one can learn to control themselves better.

First of all, getting enough sleep is important to recharge the mind and body. A person is more likely to undertake work when feeling well-rested and refreshed. So a good 7 to 8 hour sleep is essential for making the right choices.

Physical exercise is very important as it helps a person to feel energetic and relaxed. Exercising has positive effects on our mood, mind and body. It helps to keep stress at bay which enables us to think more rationally.

Practising meditation on a regular basis is also instrumental in building self-control. It helps us to relax, think clearly and stay calm and focused. By regularly removing all thoughts from the mind, meditation helps a person to concentrate on a particular job. It does not let anxiety, anger or temptations effect our decisions. Hence, it is a great tool to help one stay in control.


Incorporating these little habits can go a long way in changing a person’s life. In this world of tension and fight, only the person who can make deliberate steps towards improvement can achieve success.

This super power of self-control is a gift God has given to every human. We just need to realise it within ourselves.


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