School Ke Din

By Additiya Kar


“We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun”.
A word like MEMORY was out of our league, for understanding its meaning. For me I guess, it was till 7th standard that I never understood the meaning of being in school. Yes, it sure felt like a burden every day that I had to wake up so early, getting ready as if don’t know in were a great place we are to go, but it was always indeed a great place and it will always be for every kid in this world. Even small kinder garden kids understand the importance of school and the fun they had with their friends due to this pandemic situation.
As a grown-up now, I know one thing that till some early years of my life, I did took my school days for granted but in some days of that life, my conscious or sub-conscious mind did make me realize that how lucky I am that I am getting such precious moments of my life worth than any materialistic happiness of this world. Those moments are what made our childhood more cherished for our entire life. From pulling the legs of our enemy friends to some strange day helping them only to save them from getting punished, we learned the greatest lessons of life.

Our parents believe that we learn the difference between right and wrong from learning and reading chapters in school but more than that we learn and discover it on our own by staying with the right and the wrong person during those 12 years of school. From hating the teacher who used to scold us a lot to understanding and loving that same person when getting departed from her is what makes us more human than any explanation of a chapter. From feeling frustrated for getting scolded alone because of your friend’s fault to seeing that same friend standing beside you one day in your hardest time is what made us realize the true value of having a friend, not just for that short time but for a long time.
The way every human is unique, as children, as a student we all had and still, every kid have their own unique and special memory of childhood, but some of those memories are so similar that they connect us by one particular word or an incident like secretly eating tiffin with your friend during class or sliding secret notes to your friend by passing it from one bench to another. But not every child in this economic world gets to experience such happy moments of life.

Out of 100, there is less than 1 probability than one person might say that he or she never had a fun school life, but in our country and many other underprivileged or destitute outskirts of many countries, there are kids who are still deprived of the simple and happy days of school. Many kids are there who a regular basis are becoming the prey of many illegal incidents and losing almost everything that will nurture their childhood and later will make their adult life.

As a teacher, a parent, or a guardian we do everything in our force to help a child to experience each and every fun times during its childhood but as an outsider or more than that as a responsible citizen of your country what worthy you will do to help those deprived kids. Just like I am simply writing these reasons, conflicts, and complaints, I too am just writing and expressing my light-heartedness through these concerns which at some point, due to some great personalities are getting solved to some extent but it is increasing too. I may not be able to help right now or till the next few months but I hope that after reading this excerpt, young adults like me will come out of their comfort zones and will help these kids to their potential.

We as today’s young adults will surely never forget our school days, but now it is time to give these days as graduation tokens to those kids who need it most now, not just to get basic education and become educated but to one day remember their childhood days and to feel lucky that they got to live it and maybe one day make an effort to help helpless kids of their time.

By Additiya Kar


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