Reflecting on Future: A letter from my decade-old self

By Riddhi Joshi


Dearest 2020 me,

As I walk down the alleyway in the morning past those electric cars moving on recycled plastic made roads, the fresh air, emanating from the environment, sweeps gently across my face as if approving of its sustainable state. A walk of two kilometers lands me at the newspaper store where I stop every day to read headlines. Yes, I really do. Gone are the days when I used to skim through those despairing headlines of accidents, trade wars, crimes, and terrorism in the evening in order to refrain myself from absorbing negativity early morning. The times have changed now as the national dailies have become a progress report of the construction process of a world which I envisioned a decade ago.
Today only, it was reported that the number of networks has reduced from ten to three at last. Elated, I looked at the sky and spotted Magpie chirping on a tree branch. It is rumored that the sight of this bird brings good fortune. It might be true but its existence has made one thing certain- the reduction of electromagnetic radiations as a result of reduced networks. The day became all the more memorable as the news of a complete ban on nuclear weapons around the world reached the city in the afternoon. To celebrate this victory of humanity and symbolize the triumph of peace, the commoners hung a white handkerchief on their roofs. Behind the smiling faces of these people, one could easily see the realization of the importance of togetherness and internationalism. Acceptance of others as equals and universal solidarity the only way to fight the daunting challenges confronting the world are presumably the ideas people have come to live by.

An economic upturn with reduced income inequalities suggests that the years of hard work gone into spreading technical and financial literacy has finally reaped fruits. Unemployment has significantly reduced as a large portion of job seekers become job creators, much to the relief of the government. Consequently, the state policies have now shifted their focus on social entrepreneurs who aim to combat the negative demographic dividend arising out of the reduced population. At this point, I feel obliged and immensely satisfied to tell you that I, being one of the beneficiaries of those policies, own seven companies at present, each of which manufactures electronic gadgets that aid the old and retired people in doing their daily chores as well as their former office work thus making them employable again. So, you will not end up as just another engineer graduating from an expensive institute but a promising social entrepreneur with the weapon of innovation at your disposal.

I agree it is difficult to gulp this letter down at a time when the world seems to have hit the rock bottom. You will not agree with me if I tell you that this COVID-19 pandemic is a blessing in disguise, but it really is. It was this virus that made humans realize their insignificance when compared to nature. A small virus brought the whole world to a standstill and all research that helped in developing the lethal nuclear weapons went into the drain. This invisible enemy shifted the world’s focus to neglected health infrastructure and how urgent it is to make amends.

The year 2020 holds a short term struggle to a long term success. This year will usher in an era of peaceful human coexistence with nature and with themselves where people are freed from the chains of xenophobia and synergize their strengths to benefit the common good. Times will change and they will change for the better. Don’t lose hope. Don’t panic. Don’t take the stress. Stay united and spread love. Remember the law of nature- against the shrouds of darkness that engulfs the night, the rise of the morning sun is inevitable.

2030 me

By Riddhi Joshi


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