Public Speaking Career Options

By Shivam Gupta


              How well people perceive you and the conclusions that they make about your professionalism and character will be largely influenced by your confidence when presenting yourself.

If we ask any kid about their future plans,  they would definitely come up with varying answers. Doctor, engineer, teacher, fireman, pilot… . These are just some classic examples kids often come up with.

However it seems that many of the people have not been able to land over their dream job. As per a survey, only 10 percent of the current generation are in their jobs they had dreamt for, with the rest of the people having engaged with a totally different career. Many of us have just graduated from the University and are struggling to a step ahead towards the career or figuring out what our dream job might be. Or perhaps many of the people are already working with their 9 to 5 job but are unhappy with their role in the job.

Landing over a dream job resembles to build a castle in the air.

Often people dream for a job that provides them a chance to interact or to relate with a number of people. A teacher, politician, motivational speaker, lawyer, news anchor, spokesperson or speech writer are such types of professions which many times attract these types of people and that becomes their dream job.

There are at least 70 percent of the jobs currently which is related to the interaction and relation of the employee with a huge number of population.

There are some hobbies which are more helpful to fulfil your dreams and by having some academic knowledge about it from different colleges or from online classes, that can help you to live your dream job. A hobby is a regular activity which is done for the amusement in leisure time. It includes photography, book writing, music editing, couch surfing and many more. The list of hobbies is too long.

Public speaking is one of the most famous hobbies. An American humorist said, “public speaking is an art of diluting an idea of two minute in two hours vocabulary.” It brings us to a fact that it takes a great creativity to elaborate a concise idea or service or product in array of words. Especially it becomes more complex crucial and challenging when you have diverse set of audience and to bring them at par with your opinion or idea.

Many people have this diamond skill as one of their hobbies. And by this natural gift they can be able to conquer their dream job by putting few developments and efforts. People those have this great skill, should know that they have the most precious gem in their bag and it depends on them how they use this skill.

A survey from the American University says that public speaking is the number one fear, known as glassophobia, by most people.

Some professional speakers make public speaking appear so easy and attractive that after watching a lecture, people often assume, “that’d be fun and I’d like to be there.” But people always screwed as it looks easy to perform . There is whole story before the presentation, from deep analysis of the topic and writing to many times practices and rehearsals. This is similar to when a cricketer hears someone saying I’d like to play as you do. But they may not accept their hours of practices and struggles.

As was told earlier that it may be a hobby of some people so what all they need is to put some  efforts and improve that.

This is one of the good hobbies that can lead you to your dream job. Here are some famous professions one can try if they love public speaking:-

1) Motivational speaker:-

One of the best platforms that you can achieve if you had a very good public speaking hobby or skill, is motivational speaker profession. Only a perfect speaker can fill up the lost energy in audience to do something big and achieve their goals. The famous author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari has said, “Words can inspire, words can destroy, Choose yours well.” With this quite he has summed up the irremovable role of the motivational speakers in the lives of millions and billions of people who are in need of a sunshine of hope that can inspire them to walk against the direction of wave of the ocean. As a profession, this is one platform where you will surely feel the pleasure of helping people rise above their limitations and believing in themselves.

For a motivational speaker, it is important sharing their life experiences and failures and convincing people to share their problems and it’s an ability that can make them successful in the longer run because learning from failure is much more good for people.

2) Teacher:-

This is another best profession that you can chose if you really poses love for public speaking. From a school teacher to a lecturer or professor, it is imperative to have a par excellence in speaking skills so that the listeners do understand what you want to teach them and don’t return with incomplete understanding of the concepts. Some prominent examples are Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam who had teaching in their hearts and had resonated with the heart and mind of the students and inspired them to follow their dreams.

3) Salesperson:-

The idea of salesperson here is only to present the service and idea to the huge mass to attract them to your products and services. For a perfect business, the advertisement and presentation of the product in an effective way is as important as reliability of the services. This is another profession where the skill of public speaking of the person keeps much importance. It helps in branding of the  service or product or idea in such an effective and impressive way that the customers get attracted to your service and your product and by this their trust in the service get definitely benefited. For a good product or service to be famous globally, it needs a speaker with attractive personality and words with no taste of fear or doubt.

4) Politician:-

If you have some interest in politics, want to do something for people and you also have a hobby or say skill of public speaking, then this can be the perfect dream profession ever. The most important thing apart from educational qualification, that you need is to interact with a huge mass with no fear and to present your plans and reforms you want to do in system and social. By this golden profession, Your voice becomes a promise for the brighter future of nation and make that voice turn into a reality to raise the bar of your nation in the world.

Considering the stance of the current prime minister of India honourable Mr. Narendra Modi and his growing fame and name globally one can’t underestimate the relevance of public speaking. If you want your idea to be heard globally like Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Nehru like popular leaders, then do take opportunity to become a politician and make the world listen to your voice.

5) News anchor:-

As a news anchor, the huge mass of the country and the world as well trusts in your words and what you present, because it’s not just an array of words that is pronounced but the pitch and style at which you deliver becomes the cause of concern for the nation. Some famous news anchors like ravish Kumar, Kishor Ajwani and Rajat Sharma are good examples of news anchors, they not only take the whole responsibilities of presenting the proper news but assume it their duty to keep the public updated to the worlds happenings with their skill of effective and impressive public speaking.

6) Lawyer:-

By choosing this as a profession, you can be the voice of those whose remain unheard, you be a torch bearer fighting and standing firmly and dedicatedly for truth and justice on their behalf. It becomes your duty to speak up with grace in front of jury members or judge to set your client free from faulty charges. Many famous lawyers as Ram Jethmalani, Ashok Desai and Soli Sorabji have earned their name with persistance of their skill to present the case in the right direction. How beautifully and clearly a speaker would be able to mark in the lives of the people who are the victims of faulty law and orders or of faulty system, the case becomes transparent and judges be crucial.

7) Spokesperson:-

It’s the spokesperson of an organization, political party or celebrity who takes the whole and sole responsibility to convey the information and message to their followers. The organization or politician or celebrity hire a person who has great skill of effective and impressive public speaking as it is they who present the face, actions and ideas. They have to interact with the media persons, event organizers and many more other parties on their behalf.

But the worst thing about this is that it looks easier than it is in reality. You have always to be alert to the words. One wrong statement and you would be under the radar of the media. As a spokesperson you have to be aware of the facts and do some research work before interacting with public and media and always be prepared for the interjection.

8) Speech writer:-.

As a speech writer, you might not be able to interact with the mass and with the public speaking. But on the contrary, it is you who enable the performer, anchor, actor or speaker to understand the emotions and feelings behind the script and make them enact  the message you want to deliver in public. Being a speech writer, it is important to connect with the matter that is presented by the speaker on your behalf. Your text can be easily approachable to those if you entrust your speech in the right hands by conveying the right set of message and guides that needs to be delivered for impressive and perfect interaction.

Public speaking is a highly demanded skill in the employees. In fact, if one wants to be an executive with a company, an author, a salesperson, a trainer or any other public-facing professional, you’re probably going to need to be aware of rules and regulations of this and get comfortable with public speaking.

And yet public speaking anxiety, also known as glassophobia, is still the top phobia, affecting more people than fears of spiders, heights, darkness and even death.

Public speaking or public relation as a profession requires their people to work in such a way that the objectives, products and services of the company are projected in the right light to target their audience. A key skill to perform well in this profession is to have a good communication skill. Further, a public speaker can’t succeed in the profession, if he/she is not creative because that’s the only thing that will guide him/her to come out of tough conditions. And if this is your hobby you have definitely some of these qualities, you only have to polish these virtues from best coaches and to land on your dream job.

Here is the list of the best colleges of India wherein one can pursue a diploma or a degree in public relation or PS:-






And there is also some online courses (payable as well as free) available for the convenience of the interested people where they can pursue  some knowledge in PR.

Best Short course: Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with impact (Coursera)

Best Short Course: Intro to Public Speaking – Give a 5-Minute Talk Without Dying (Skillshare)

Best Certification Program: Dynamic Public Speaking Certification (Coursera)

Best Free Course: Public Speaking (edX)

Best Mixed Certification: Presentation Skills Certification (Coursera)

Best for Glossophobia: Successful Presentation (Coursera)

Best for Elocution: Public Speaking: A Crash Course on Elocution and Confident Speech (Skillshare)

If on really wants to chose this great hobby for dream job, these are the best courses and colleges where you can pursue some great knowledge to overcome you phobia of public speaking, glassophobia, and to talk or present in more attractive way.

Every people has thought about dream job in mind. You can’t live that putting your hobbies aside. Many of the hobbies of the people can lead to their dream job.

           An effective speaker knows that the success or failure of his talk is not on him to decide, it will be decided by the minds and hearts of listeners.     – Dale Carnegie


By Shivam Gupta, Sadbhawana Nagar, Mirzapur


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