Public Schooling and Home Schooling

Ekta bhatia


Education is viewed as an essential commodity to the future of every child. Parents desire is to give their children the best education in a favourable environment. When kids reach the age when learning begins, nowadays, parents have a concern of whether to homeschool their kids or send them to a public school. Both are good methods in developing a good education for a child. but it also have the differences in techniques of teaching and environment differences. Parents have to think about the cost, the way the child learns being in a social environment being in a social environment comma and also be aware of what their child is learning in the street . we will see how homeschooling and public schooling have different effects on a on a child education. First take a look at home schooling : 


homeschooling 2 b flexibility. In homeschooling, a child deals with different advantages. In homeschooling, a parent has to give 100% dedication into teaching their child full stop and due to more individualized attention and subject specific attention , by being taught at home , the students the student has immediate access to the cheat teacher coma and can able to ask questions at just about any time without having worry about other students and their learning habits. And also being in home, there is a family togetherness. Every child grows up knowing their family values and cultural practices. The family does most of the chores together, which is viewed as an essential part of learning . the children are free from the danger of drugs and unwanted religion , bullying , etc . With such traits out of mind the students are safe.


many parents blindly consider homeschooling aur public education. Parents think that having their children stay at home with them and family all day good assemble a better environment for them. homeschooling doesn’t just lack in socialization but in education resources facilities, extra curricular activities, etc . They always have the fear to speak in public. Home school childrens are unable to speak with strangers and have a lower self-esteem there are undoubtedly shy full stop home school students are not only out of norms of the society but out of structure. The fact that the event as comfortable with other people as they are with their family ,clashesttrust factor. 


PROS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLING: the students of public school never hesitates and public speaking . in public schools, apart from their uniforms in other requirements, the government pays most of the tuition fees. in public schools, the level of socialization is hai. Children meet and interact with other cats from different parts of the country first top most of the events are organised by the schools, which make children’s draw a physically healthy and with confidence.

CONS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLING: in the public schools, parents have to worry about the safety of their child . Parents have no accountability for the child’s actions . too often a child will get into trouble for something at school, may get injured or get into a fight with another peer . Children’s cannot get a one to one attention in public schools. bigclasses a overcrowding is  one of the greatest issues in the public schools . Also, there often aren’t enough teachers to pupils. some public school space increased discipline issues in certain neighbourhood school stop the public school teacher do not speak to a child’s interests .


So, reading till now, what do you think ? Is homeschooling a better way to teach kids or the public schooling? The high quality of teaching in homeschooling makes it have any advantage over the public schools academically , the qualities announced in home schools. The parents to swat curriculum best with their children depending on childhood ability. this implies that homeschooling should be encouraged and where possible its expenses should be subsidized by the government full stop funding the cost alone may not be enough but the curricular activities , competitions as well as the sports should be added, so that it would help to socialize and interact the children into the surroundings and meet them healthy, so that homeschooling be a great success and a better option. But if we talk about the public school in the improvements needed to be made. The security must be increased for example the CCTV should be fitted in all the classrooms and also the school conveyance should be made available to every child. The number of staff in public school has to be increased so that the system will also be improved.

                                                                                 Authored by

                                                                                           Ekta bhatia


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