Preparation for an Examination

By Rebecca Peter Dsouza


Student life is one of the best periods of life, yet it is not without difficulties. Students should be aware of this fact so that they may deal properly with the problems that will crop up in their academic careers.

The process of Preparation for an examination can be separated into two broad divisions:

1. Remote Preparation

2. Immediate preparation

1.1 Remote preparation includes :

A) Study of daily lessons.

B) Reference to at least four or five years of Examination Questions and acquaintance with common and expected questions.

C) Legible writing, with a good speed.

D) Preparing questions & answers.

E) Writing mock examinations.

1.2 Immediate preparation includes:

A) Revising at least once or twice before going in for the examination.

B) Keeping pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, and other necessary articles ready on the previous day of the examination.

C) Reaching the place of the examination at least half an hour early and relaxing without disturbing the serenity of our mind.

1.3 Actual writing of an examination:

A) Write whatever details are required for identifying your answer paper, such as roll number or name, subject, name of the examination, etc.

B) Calculate your time mentally according to the number of questions or you may not have sufficient time to answer all the questions.

C) Draw margins on your answer sheet.

D) Write page numbers, preferably at the top center.

E) Read your question paper well till you understand the question clearly.

F) Now write the short answers first if you know them, and then answer those longer or essay questions which you know best, after which you can attempt the other questions. Even if you are not very sure of the answers, write what you think is the right answer.

G) Revise and check your answer-sheet. Perhaps you did not write your name or roll number or wrote a question number wrongly or made some glaring spelling mistake.

H) Last but not least, pin or tie your answer sheet properly and submit it with joy.

I) After an examination, whether you did well or not, avoid tension. If you have done well, be happy and prepare for the next examination and wait for the result. If you have not done well, learn from mistakes, and resolve to do better in the coming examination. Do not waste your time and energy worrying. It is useless to fret about something, which you cannot change.

A human being is the “crown of creation”. He/she is blessed with many gifts and talents. What he/she needs to do is to develop them through learning, experience, and hard work. Students should realize this and develop their hidden talents and capacities.

Prayer to almighty God, a source of all knowledge and wisdom is imperative for happy success in our studies. It is He who gives us the health of body and mind. If we pray to Him He will surely help us.

But prayer without action is useless. God helps those who help themselves. Let me conclude this article by telling that God is wonderful and He has wonderfully created human beings, giving them the share of His own creative power and freedom.

By Rebecca Peter Dsouza

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