
By Akshita Goyal


Do you recognize a concept will cause a deadly destruction. let’s say, land mines was a concept and later translated into the foremost vicious and deadly invention within the history . however will we recognize what’s the utilization of those land mines. These are bombs that are buried deep underground along  the perimeter of a territory to make defense purpose. it’s detonated mechanically. Not solely this was translated however several alternative objects like  sarin gas , chlorine, atom bomb, etc. contaminate that’s in our minds cause worldly destruction once they kick off. So ,only a nasty thought will cause bad deeds. Not solely these thoughts cause destruction however conjointly the method of thinking of various individuals. Like ,nowadays violence, harassment, torture .,etc are increasing day by day. In last twenty days I even have detected concerning 5-6 rape cases in our country .All this occur simply because of thinking rubbish in our mind and implementing in our life.

From environmental purpose of read,Environment is facing tons of pollution several campaigns also are organized by completely different environmentalists to forestall pollution because of COVID-19 internment was in deep trouble months ,although we have a tendency to all were during a depressed condition however it resulted in sick of gas depletion and rate of pollution is fallen down.

Ever we’ve thought of the pollution in our minds.Contamination of our minds is that the basic root reason for all crimes and deadly inventions within the world. Our contaminated minds ne’er assume sensible for somebody else however thinks that however we are able to build person down.

I needed to share my personal expertise , one in all my friend asked me  that I should  say that I even have not got my meal nowadays to high school so uncle at canteen can provide us with some snacks on the other hand I told her that I’ll not do this as a result of it had been wrong .If I had aforementioned affirmative then I’d conjointly been a vicinity of that dangerous deed. These style of thought are available in our mind and that we do constant .Therefore, thought pollution is that the root reason for all sick.

These thoughts cause negative impact on our future life. These style of thoughts typically focuses on sexual or violent or socially unacceptable things. science says, age from 15-25 is termed as a dangerous age as a result of during this age we have a tendency to are positive and let these unwanted thoughts enter into our minds.

Lastly, I need to conclude by giving a recommendation i.e. if you’re doing a specific work and your parents are saying  that your simply right and might plow ahead in this particular direction then you are doing fully right however if they’re saying that you are wrong then you should always stop yourself from getting into that direction because our parents can ne’er allow us to be in a problematic scenario and we can trust them blindly.



By Akshita Goyal



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