Plastic Surgery: Improvement or Degradation?

By Shreeja Mukherjee


You’re not going to be the SECOND somebody. You’re going to be the FIRST you.” – Kino (Artist)

  Ever since the last five to ten years, plastic surgery has been a major part of pop culture. It has become so popular through social media and Instagram models that in many social groups it is completely normalized to get a lip filler or a nose job or an eyebrow/ face lift. Can we blame people for this change in the current beauty standard? The answer is no.
  If anyone is insecure about how they look and they are privileged enough to get work done, we cannot blame them. The only issue here is that the beauty standard works on the chain effect. It only takes one famous influencer to say that ‘big lips are beautiful’ and some people get intrigued and copy them. Before we know it, everyone is doing it because we, as humans, are almost never satisfied with what we have.

  If we look deeper into it, everyone at some point or the other, has wanted to fit  into their surroundings. We have a constant need to belong and be liked/appreciated. We don’t realize that the only person whose approval we need is ourselves. Let’s jump back ten years when everyone wanted to be skinny like a Victoria Secret Model. At that time, natural beauty was appreciated. Today, we live in a world where everyone wants to spend money only to look exactly like each other. It’s not necessary that plastic surgery makes us look prettier anyhow. Let’s take a well-known celebrity: Meghan Fox for example. She was naturally beautiful just the way she was. However, she got a lot of work done on her face which completely degraded her features in a significant way. 

To add to that, if we look at statistics, a majority of women get plastic surgery as compared to men. This proves that women are more insecure about how they look and that needs to change. We are all beautiful in our own way.

Also, it’s not important that if we change one feature of our face, we would be satisfied. That would simply open the door to more imperfections within us. After all, people have the tendency to always find something wrong and automatically compare themselves to the next person. Absolute perfection doesn’t exist and it’s high time the Gen Z generation realized that. We look the way we look for a reason. We are all perfect in our imperfections and instead of putting each other down, we should always encourage one another to be confident in projecting ourselves exactly the way we are.

  In my personal opinion, I believe that any kind of plastic surgery is more of a degradation to nature than an easy improvement. As cliche as it might sound, the only aspect that actually matters is our personality. Have you ever met someone with a beautiful personality and thought they were ugly? I haven’t. On the other hand, have you ever met someone with a beautiful face but an ugly personality and thought they were ugly? I have. Our vibes define us. How we express ourselves MATTERS. How we treat others MATTER. How we treat ourselves MATTER. Plastic surgery is simply a temporary ruse we really don’t require. After all, why should we fix something that is not even broken to begin with?

                                                              AUTHORED BY

                                                                             Shreeja Mukherjee


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