Nature Questions: Wildlife conservation

By Saadhikha Shree S


Look afar, Look at the trees

The plush view of the leaves

It is natures gift

Calming our minds very swiftly.

All the life in the world,

Would want to be heard.

But who would want to leave here?


The fresh breath of air I feel

From my head to my heel

Reminds me what an offering it is

To experience my heart pounding against my ribs. 

All of this comes from the trees!

Which stands still and puts my mind to ease

Who would leave this view, even for seven seas?


Imagine how the world would be

If there weren’t any trees

How you and I would feel 

Without our friends- the birds, and the bees.

All these trees standing in the forest

May they be saved by us.

Why would we leave them homeless?


Tigers, cheetahs, hippos, and monkeys

They live in harmony where no one sees!

Save their habitats, Save their lives,

Protect their homes and their species.

All our days we live secure,

Preserving is being mature.

What is stopping us from starting now?


Let us see, come what may 

The one who destroys, he must pay

That will keep the dangers at bay.

Behold the sight before your very eyes

All of its glory open under the skies.

When will it be safe and free for our friends under the tree?


Remove their everyday threats 

Before the march in like corvettes

Stop exploiting the wildlife

It will never leave you even in your afterlife.

All the toxicity and pollution

Where will they ever get a solution?


Put your minds and hands to use

To save forests try to reuse. 

Do not be ignorant 

Or give an excuse

All your efforts will bear your fruits!

How pleasant would it be if we all live in peace?

By Saadhikha Shree S



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