Myths = True or False ?

By Tanishka  Dattatray  Jagtap


First let’s get to know, what is called a myth. Myth is a saying which goes from generation to generation. It describes us to do the right thing or what should we do in a particular situation. It’s a belief that everyone follows. You may hear your mother or grandmother says you to do this in this way or not to do it in this way. It may seem weird and you have no idea why they are instructing you in this way, but you have no option rather follow it. If you tried to ask them why they are saying this to they will always say,” It’s a Myth “. Have you tried to figure out why is this so? Why should we follow this? Is it necessary to follow them? Or by ignoring this we will not have any disadvantages? Who started this myth? Let’s figure it out.

Everyone has their beliefs and habits. If one child likes to eat chocolates, as chocolates are sweet and favorites of children, others might not like it (because it is likely to cause tooth cavity). Both children have different perspectives. Here if we say chocolates are bad for one’s health. A first child might not follow it. Even if the second child follows it, the first child will definitely not follow. If we say chocolates are good for a happy mood. The first child will follow this and the second might not follow this. By analyzing both situations, we can say that a Myth is not followed by everyone. Myth is only followed by those who are interested in it and agree with it. 

Let’s see another example. If you are going out to a startup, to do anything well, or to join an auspicious program, Your elder will give you yogurt. They believe that it will bring success to your work. You might not think about whether it is true or not. But it is. If we think it through the scientific side, eating yogurt sharpen your brain and will erase your hunger which results in your excellent performance. But not everyone knows this. Some might said this is superstitions as they don’t know its purpose. This doesn’t prove that this myth is wrong. Here only those who knew its purpose or those who respect their elders and never disobey them will follow the myth. 

Now if we see through it’s another side, we can see that simple myth like “Bath two times a day” and others might be wrong. let’s see this through example. Champa and Chameli are two friends. Champa said to Chameli that she always bathe two times a day. Replying to Chameli she said that we only need to bathe only once a day because it’s unnecessary to bathe twice if not needed. There is no need to bathe twice if a person is not dirty. This myth is proven wrong. But still, some people think it is good. Why should we follow it if it’s useless? Let’s take another example to understand this properly. If one lady cleans her house properly and neatly, people might think it is very good. And on the second hand, the other lady cleans her house but not that neatly as the first lady does. What do you think which one of them is doing right? Many of you will say the first one. But the right way to clean a house is to live some dust behind. You may be confused, and a question is risen in your head,” Why ?”. It’s again a scientific reason. In research, scientists found that a clean house has risen various allergies to its owners. So here this myth is proven wrong. We can here say that some good and simple myths might be wrong. There are many examples of it like,” A bed should be kept properly “ seems right but is not. 

Some myths are depended on our opinions. Like,” Engagement rings connect their hearts” seems unreal but is ok to accept. We don’t know how true it is but ok to accept as this type of myth doesn’t have any disadvantages. It can bring happiness to those, so it doesn’t seem bad to believe it. So here we can say that these types of myths are depended on our liking.

Here we saw many different types of myths. Some of them were right and some were wrong. We don’t know how many of all myths can be wrong or how many can be right. We don’t know who spread them, who created them, and how many people follow them. But we can do one thing. We can check if that myth is correct or not and even tell it to others to do the same. We can try our best to follow the correct one and to ignore the wrong one.

By Tanishka  Dattatray  Jagtap


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